UNESCO UniTwin Network for Inter-Religious Dialogue and Intercultural Understanding
Bringing together about 30 UNESCO Chairs across more than 25 countries, the Network for Inter-Religious Dialogue and Intercultural Understanding (IDIU) aims to promote dialogue among different religions, spiritual and humanistic traditions.
Network News
UNESCO Report: More than Welcome: Intercultural Integration of Migrants through Higher Education
The UNESCO Chair on Intercultural Competences at Stellenbosch University in South Africa held a special event to launch this groundbreaking report.
Exciting new partnership for our Network member / Nouveau partenariat important pour notre membre du réseau
News from the UNESCO Chair “Memory, Cultures and Interculturality”, at the Catholic University of Lyon (UCLy).
International Forum of UNESCO Chairs and Partners
The International Forum, on Transforming Knowledge for Africa’s Future, was convened by the African Union Commission and UNESCO in Addis Ababa from 30 September to 2 October 2024.