2023 |
Kesson, K. and de Oliveira, M. A. |
Diversifying Universalism: Neohumanism, Internationalism, and Interculturalism in Education |
Praxis Educativa |
Conceptual |
non-specific |
https://doi.org/10.5212/PraxEduc.v.18.21481.049 |
2023 |
Peppas, S. |
Interculturalism, Ecumeniciality and Human Dignity: The Orthodox Perspective |
Theophany |
Conceptual |
non-specific |
http://dx.doi.org/10.26247/theophany.2454 |
2023 |
Santagati, M. and Bertozzi, R. |
Rethinking interculturalism, deconstructing discrimination in Italian schools |
International Migration |
Practical |
Europe |
https://doi.org/10.1111/imig.13175 |
2023 |
Volcic, Z., Tran, I., and Baath, R. |
Intercultural communication during pandemic: new ways to build intercultural dialogue and relationships |
Intercultural Education |
Practical |
non-specific |
https://doi.org/10.1080/14675986.2023.2279832 |
2023 |
Tualaulelei, E., Halse, C. |
Why interculturalism does not always translate into action: Insights from teachers in an Australian primary school |
The Australian Educational researcher |
Practical |
Asia Pacific |
https://doi.org/10.1007/s13384-022-00523-6 |
2022 |
Angeli, F. |
Living in a world of dynamic cultures' multiplicity : interculturalism in the perspective of education |
Education, Sciences and Society |
Practical |
non-specific |
https://doi.org/10.3280/ess1-2022oa13489 |
2022 |
Bastos, I. F., Pinto, M. B. and Amorim, S. S. |
Culture and Language: Critical Interculturalism and Multiculturalism alongside with socio and emotional intelligences in language learning |
Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies |
Practical |
South America |
http://www.jceps.com/archives/12803 |
2022 |
Hellgren, Z. and Zapata-Barrero, R. |
Discrimination meets interculturalism in theory, policy and practice |
International Migration (Special Issue) |
Conceptual |
non-specific |
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/imig.13048 |
2022 |
Modood, T. |
Can interculturalism complement multiculturalism? |
Multicultural Education Review |
Conceptual |
non-specific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/2005615X.2021.2006115 |
2022 |
Valtolina, G. G. |
Interculturalism and migration processes |
Dizionario di Dottrina Sociale Della Chiesa |
Practical |
non-specific |
https://dx.doi.org/10.26350/dizdott_000109 |
2022 |
Zapata-Barrero, R. and Mansouri, F. |
A Multi-scale Approach to Interculturalism: From Globalised Politics to Localised Policy and Practice |
Journal of International Migration & Integration |
Conceptual |
non-specific |
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12134-021-00846-w |
2021 |
Bubinger, A. |
Mental boundaries in teachers’ reflections on interculturalism in music lessons |
Musica Paedagogia Pilsnen |
Practical |
Europe |
https://dspace5.zcu.cz/bitstream/11025/46732/4/e-verze-24-34.pdf |
2021 |
Emre, D., & Mustafa, M |
Multiculturalism and interculturalism in Turkish and American Literature |
African Journal of Emerging Issues |
Practical |
non-specific |
https://ajoeijournals.org/sys/index.php/ajoei/article/view/221 |
2021 |
Hasanaj, S. |
Multiculturalism vs Interculturalism: New Paradigm? (Sociologic and Juridical Aspects of the Debate between the two Paradigms) |
Journal of Education & Social Policy |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.jespnet.com/journals/Vol_4_No_2_June_2017/22.pdf |
2021 |
Hmelak, M., Vodopivec, J. L. and Barbareev, K. |
Interculturalism from the perspective of pedagogics and integration in preschool with emphasis on cooperation with parents |
Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja |
Practical |
Europe |
https://doi.org/10.1080/1331677X.2020.1751674 |
2021 |
Mansouri, F. and Modood, M. |
The complementarity of multiculturalism and interculturalism: theory backed by Australian evidence |
Ethnic and Racial Studies |
Conceptual |
non-specific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01419870.2020.1713391 |
2021 |
Repke, L., Kraus, E. K., Silber, H., Kassam, K., Bilgen, I., & Johnson, T. P. |
High-Resolution Image(s) of Intercultural Contact: Understanding Interculturalism with Personal Networks |
easy_social_sciences |
Practical |
Europe |
https://doi.org/10.15464/easy.2021.003 |
2021 |
Theodoros, V. |
Highlighting the critical elements of interculturalism: Towards a Critical Intercultural Education |
European Journal of Education Studie |
Practical |
Europe |
https://oapub.org/edu/index.php/ejes/article/view/4267 |
2020 |
Brahmbhatt, S. |
Understanding of Interculturalism and human Solidarity in M.G.Vassanji's No New Land |
Towards Excellence |
Conceptual |
non-specific |
https://doi.org/10.37867/te120213 |
2020 |
Elias, A. and Mansouri, F. |
A systematic review of studies on interculturalism and intercultural dialogue |
Journal of Intercultural Studies |
Conceptual |
non-specific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/07256868.2020.1782861 |
2020 |
Kakova, R. A. |
Plurilingualism and Interculturalism – Hidden Resources of International Trade |
Journal of Advanced Research in Social Science |
Practical |
non-specific |
https://doi.org/10.33422/jarss.v3i1.292 |
2020 |
Sakellariou, G. and Papadopoulos, I. |
Interculturalism in Content and Language Integrated Learning Classes: Research Perspectives from European Policy to Greek Reality |
Language Teaching Research Quarterly |
Practical |
Europe |
https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1270436 |
2020 |
Diaconu, L. |
The Problem of Interculturalism and Multilingualism in Teaching Modern Languages, Different Approaches |
Probleme de filologie: aspecte teoretice şi practice |
Practical |
non-specific |
https://ibn.idsi.md/vizualizare_articol/142503 |
2019 |
Kearney, A. |
Interculturalism and Responsive Reflexivity in a Settler Colonial Context |
Religions (Special issue) |
Conceptual |
Asia Pacific |
https://www.mdpi.com/2077-1444/10/3/199 |
2019 |
Verkuyten, M. Yogeeswaran, K. Mepham, K. and Sprong, S. |
Interculturalism: A new diversity ideology with interrelated components of dialogue, unity, and identity flexibility |
European journal of Social Psychology |
Conceptual |
non-specific |
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/ejsp.2628 |
2018 |
Baloh, B. |
Future Educators and Teachers’ Views on Interculturalism and Slovenian Language Learning |
Innovative Teaching Models in the System of University Education… |
Practical |
Europe |
https://pefja.kg.ac.rs/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/16-Barbara-Baloh-FUTURE-EDUCATORS-AND-TEACHERS%E2%80%99-VIEWS-ON-INTERCULTURALISM-AND-SLOVENIAN-LANGUAGE-LEARNING.pdf |
2018 |
Chetty, D. |
Culturally responsive pedagogy: working towards decolonization, indigeneity and interculturalism |
Educational Review |
Practical |
non-specific |
https://doi.org/10.1080/00131911.2018.1439707 |
2018 |
Christian Joppke |
War of words: interculturalism v. multiculturalism |
Comparative Migration Studies |
Conceptual |
non-specific |
https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1186/s40878-018-0079-1.pdf |
2018 |
Gröschl, S. |
Interculturalism and socio-economic development of Indigenous islander populations: The case of the Kuna Yala |
International Journal of Critical Indigenous Studies |
Practical |
South America |
https://doi.org/10.5204/ijcis.v11i1.559 |
2018 |
Jurić, R. S., & Matticchio, I. |
From Bilingualism to pluralingualism, from Multiculturalism to interculturalism. Being Italian in Istria |
Practical |
Europe |
https://js.ugd.edu.mk/index.php/PAL/article/view/2584 |
2018 |
Kastoryano, R. |
Multiculturalism and interculturalism: redefining nationhood and solidarity. |
Comparative Migration Studies |
Conceptual |
non-specific |
https://comparativemigrationstudies.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40878-018-0082-6 |
2018 |
Levrau, F. and Loobuyck, P. |
Introduction: mapping the multiculturalism-interculturalism debate |
Comparative Migration Studies |
Conceptual |
non-specific |
https://comparativemigrationstudies.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40878-018-0080-8 |
2018 |
Modood, T. |
Interculturalism: Not a new policy paradigm |
Comparative Migration Studies |
Conceptual |
non-specific |
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s40878-018-0091-5 |
2018 |
Pevec Semec, K. |
Mobile teachers at border schools - multilingualism and interculturalism as new challenges for professional development |
CEPS Journal 8 |
Practical |
Europe |
https://doi.org/10.25656/01:16186 |
2018 |
Zapata-Barrero, R. |
Rejoinder: multiculturalism and interculturalism: alongside but separate |
Comparative Migration Studies |
Conceptual |
non-specific |
https://comparativemigrationstudies.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40878-018-0090-6 |
2018 |
Zapata-Barrero, R. |
Methodological interculturalism: breaking down epistemological barriers around diversity management |
Ethnic and Racial Studies |
Conceptual |
non-specific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01419870.2019.1538527 |
2018 |
Žarko, P. |
What does it mean to be an alien? Bernhard Waldenfels and politics of responsive interculturalism |
Philosophy and Society |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://doiserbia.nb.rs/Article.aspx?ID=0353-57381803355P |
2017 |
Cloonan, A., Fox, B., Ohi, S. and Halse, C. |
An analysis of the use of autobiographical narrative for teachers’ intercultural learning |
Teaching Education |
Policy |
Non-specific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10476210.2016.1212005 |
2017 |
Dervin, F. |
Human Rights Education and Intercultural Education |
Globalisation, Human Rights Education and Reforms |
Practice |
Non-specific |
http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-024-0871-3_14 |
2017 |
Mansouri, F. |
Interculturalism at the Crossroads: Comparative Perspectives on Concepts, Policies and Practices |
UNESCO Publishing |
Policy |
Non-specific |
http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0024/002480/248066e.pdf |
2017 |
Begic, A., Begic, J. S. and Pušic, I. |
Interculturalism and Teaching Music in Grammar Schools |
Journal of Education and Training Studies |
Practical |
Europe |
https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1133211 |
2017 |
Catarci, M., Gomes, M. P. and Siqueria, S. |
Refugees, interculturalism and education |
Intercultural Education |
Practical |
non-specific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14675986.2017.1308647 |
2017 |
El Ghamari, M. |
Interculturalism in Crisis Response Operations |
Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne |
Practical |
non-specific |
https://cejsh.icm.edu.pl/cejsh/element/bwmeta1.element.ojs-doi-10_15804_athena_2017_56_18 |
2017 |
Moskal, M. |
Equity in Education for/with Refugees and Migrants—Toward a Solidarity Promoting Interculturalism |
European Education |
Practical |
non-specific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10564934.2017.1343088 |
2017 |
Seo Youngji |
Beyond Multiculturalism: Interculturalism as an Alternative in Changing South Korea |
The SNU Journal of Education Research |
Conceptual |
Central Asia |
https://s-space.snu.ac.kr/bitstream/10371/168464/1/26(2)_03.pdf |
2017 |
Slađana, A., Zorica, O. and Zvezdan, A. |
School as a factor of development of interculturalism |
Glasnik Srpskog geografskog drustva |
Practical |
Europe |
https://doi.org/10.2298/GSGD1701109A |
2017 |
Szerląg, A. |
Multiculturalism and Interculturalism as the Points of Reference for Teaching Competencies |
Acta Paedagogica Vilnensia |
Practical |
non-specific |
https://doi.org/10.15388/ActPaed.2017.38.10792 |
2017 |
Wawrzyczek, I. |
Racist and neo-Nazi panic in the Euro 2012 coverage by the British press: a discursive failure in interculturalism |
Brno studies in English |
Practical |
Europe |
https://doi.org/10.5817/BSE2017-1-5 |
2017 |
Zapata-Barrero, R. |
Interculturalism in the post-multicultural debate: a defence |
Comparative Migration Studies |
Conceptual |
non-specific |
Interculturalism in the post-multicultural debate: a defence |
2017 |
Contini R. M. and Pica-Smith C. |
Problematizing the Conceptual Framework of Interculturalism and its Pedagogical Extension of Intercultural Education: Theoretical Perspectives and their Implications |
Italian Journal of Sociology of Education |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://ijse.padovauniversitypress.it/2017/3/10 |
2016 |
Mayer, C.H., Viviers, R., Flotman, A.P. and Schneider-Stengel, D. |
A longitudinal case study: The development of exceptional human experiences of senior ecclesiastical professionals in the Catholic church |
Journal of Religion and Health |
Practice |
Europe |
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10943-016-0212-0 |
2016 |
Koike, D. and Blyth, C.S. |
A metadialogic approach to intercultural dialogue |
Language and Dialogue |
Practice |
North America |
http://www.jbe-platform.com/content/journals/10.1075/ld.6.2.02koi |
2016 |
Allen, K. |
Achieving interfaith maturity through university interfaith programmes in the United Kingdom |
Cogent Education |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/2331186X.2016.1261578 |
2016 |
Ferrara, P. and Petito, F. |
An Italian Foreign Policy of Religious Engagement: Challenges and Prospects |
The International Spectator |
Policy |
Europe |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03932729.2016.1120955 |
2016 |
Caetano, A.P., Freire, I., Vassalo, S., Machado, E. and Bicho, L. |
Arts and the Voice of Youth in Dialogue |
Sense Publishers |
Practice |
Europe |
http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-6300-423-7_16 |
2016 |
Backes, J.L. |
Brazilian Indigenous People’s Struggle for an Intercultural, Specific, Differentiated School |
Creative Education |
Practice |
Latin America |
http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInformation.aspx?paperID=62759 |
2016 |
Stokke, C. and Lybæk, L. |
Combining intercultural dialogue and critical multiculturalism |
Ethnicities |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
http://etn.sagepub.com/content/early/2016/10/19/1468796816674504.full.pdf |
2016 |
Berry, J. |
Comparative analysis of Canadian multiculturalism policy and the multiculturalism policies of other countries |
Psychology in Russia: State of the Art |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/comparative-analysis-of-canadian-multiculturalism-policy-and-the-multiculturalism-policies-of-other-countries |
2016 |
Necalaesei, A.N. |
Competence between desirability and necessity: Literature Review |
Cross-Cultural Management Journal |
Practice |
Non-specific |
http://seaopenresearch.eu/Journals/articles/CMJ_9_1.pdf |
2016 |
Hahl, K. and Löfström, E. |
Conceptualizing interculturality in multicultural teacher education |
Journal of Multicultural Discourses |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17447143.2015.1134544 |
2016 |
Granados-Beltrán, C. |
Critical interculturality. A path for pre-service elt teachers |
Ikala |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?pid=S0123-34322016000200004&script=sci_abstract&tlng=en |
2016 |
Basílio, D., Araújo e Sá, M.H. and Simões, A.R. |
Crossing the bridge: foreign language students’ reciprocal images in (inter)cultural mediation between Portugal and Turkey |
Language and Intercultural Communication |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14708477.2015.1114209 |
2016 |
Fuentes, J. L. |
Cultural Diversity on the Council of Europe Documents: The Role of Education and the Intercultural Dialogue |
Policy Futures in Education |
Conceptual |
Europe |
http://pfe.sagepub.com/content/early/2016/02/17/1478210316630467.full.pdf |
2016 |
Fuentes, J.L. |
Cultural diversity on the Council of Europe documents: The role of education and the intercultural dialogue |
Policy Futures in Education |
Practice |
Europe |
http://pfe.sagepub.com/content/early/2016/02/17/1478210316630467.full.pdf |
2016 |
Kong, J. |
Discourses of the east and the west and their implications for intercultural relations |
Journal of Multicultural Discourses |
Practice |
Non-specific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17447143.2016.1167897 |
2016 |
Berry, J. |
Diversity and equity |
Cross Cultural & Strategic Management |
Policy |
North America |
https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/CCSM-03-2016-0085 |
2016 |
Puche, R.L. |
Educación en interculturalidad: diálogos, alteridad y praxis ciudadana |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
filosofiaeducacion.org/actas/index.php/act/article/download/142/122 |
2016 |
Al-Maamari, S. |
Education for connecting Omani students with other cultures in the world: The role of social studies |
International Review of Education |
Practice |
Middle East |
https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1109075 |
2016 |
Wagner, M., Cardetti, F. and Byram, M. |
Exploring Collaborative Work for the Creation of Interdisciplinary Units Centered on Intercultural Citizenship |
Dimension |
Practice |
Non-specific |
https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1207913.pdf |
2016 |
Zapata-Barrero, R. |
Exploring the foundations of the intercultural policy paradigm: a comprehensive approach |
Identities |
Policy |
Non-specific |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1070289X.2015.1006523 |
2016 |
Heaney, R., Zeyneb, S. and Haymes, C. |
Faithful Neighbours: Christian-Muslim Vision and Practice |
Church Publishing, Inc |
Practice |
Non-specific |
https://www.churchpublishing.org/faithfulneighbors |
2016 |
Hernández, R.A. |
Feminist activist research and intercultural dialogues |
Palgrave Macmillan US. |
Conceptual |
Latin America |
http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1057/9781137521231_2 |
2016 |
Pollmann, A. |
Habitus, reflexivity, and the realization of intercultural capital: The (unfulfilled) potential of intercultural education |
Cogent Social Sciences |
Practice |
Non-specific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/23311886.2016.1149915 |
2016 |
Bešter, R. M., M. |
Intercultural competence in teachers: The case of teaching Roma students |
Sodobna Pedagogika/Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies |
Conceptual |
Europe |
http://www.sodobna-pedagogika.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/2016_2_3_Bester_ang.pdf |
2016 |
O’Mara, B. and Harris, A. |
Intercultural crossings in a digital age: ICT pathways with migrant and refugee-background youth |
Race Ethnicity and Education |
Practice |
Asia |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13613324.2014.885418 |
2016 |
Lee, E.L. |
Intercultural dialogue in theory and practice: a review |
Journal of Multicultural Discourses |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17447143.2016.1156686 |
2016 |
Hadjisoteriou, C. and Angelides, P. |
Intercultural education in situ: Examining intercultural policy in Cyprus in the context of European integration |
Journal for Multicultural Education |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/JME-03-2015-0006 |
2016 |
Drandic, D. |
Intercultural Sensitivity of Teachers |
Croatian Journal of Education-Hrvatski Casopis Za Odgoj I Obrazovanje |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?id_clanak_jezik=247910&show=clanak |
2016 |
Demenchonok, E. |
Intercultural transformatio as an alterna |
International Journal of Philosophy, Educational and Social Sciences |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
http://www.topologik.net/Edward_Demenchonok_Special_Issue_19.pdf |
2016 |
Antonsich, M. |
Interculturalism versus multiculturalism – The Cantle-Modood debate |
Ethnicities |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84966784717&partnerID=40&md5=ba785b6c059297f89b4f41076fe5552f |
2016 |
Moore, T. |
Interculturality, postethnicity and the Aboriginal Australian policy future |
Ethnicities |
Policy |
Asia Pacific |
http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1468796815584422 |
2016 |
Pallavicini, Y. S. Y. |
Interfaith education: An Islamic perspective |
International Review of Education |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11159-016-9571-8 |
2016 |
Pajaziti, A. |
Interreligious Dialogue in the Macedonian Context |
Springer |
Practice |
Europe |
http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-658-12962-0_14 |
2016 |
Maudarbux, M.B. |
Interreligious education: Conceptualising a needs assessment framework for curriculum design in plural societies (with special reference to Mauritius) |
International Review of Education |
Policy |
Africa |
http://www.tandfonline.com/db/era/journal-db-entry/e669759 |
2016 |
Maudarbux, M. B. |
Interreligious education: Conceptualising a needs assessment framework for curriculum design in plural societies (with special reference to Mauritius) |
International Review of Education |
Practice |
Africa |
http://www.tandfonline.com/db/era/journal-db-entry/e669759 |
2016 |
McGarry, O. |
Knowing ‘how to go on’: structuration theory as an analytical prism in studies of intercultural engagement |
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1369183X.2016.1148593 |
2016 |
Innocenti, P. |
Migrating Heritage: Experiences of Cultural Networks and Cultural Dialogue in Europe |
Routledge |
Practice |
Europe |
https://www.routledge.com/Migrating-Heritage-Experiences-of-Cultural-Networks-and-Cultural-Dialogue/Innocenti/p/book/9781472422811 |
2016 |
Hong, Y.Y., Zhan, S., Morris, M.W. and Benet-Martínez, V. |
Multicultural identity processes |
Current Opinion in Psychology |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84948844656&partnerID=40&md5=2bbb48647dd009abbfe2b26a913366b1 |
2016 |
Salter, P. and Maxwell, J. |
Navigating the ‘inter’ in intercultural education |
Journal of Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education |
Practice |
Asia |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01596306.2016.1179171 |
2016 |
Gauthier, C.-A. |
Obstacles to socioeconomic integration of highly-skilled immigrant women: Lessons from Quebec interculturalism and implications for diversity management |
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion |
Conceptual |
North America |
https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84953341451&partnerID=40&md5=49b6f19974d1c58311dfb53af30e9376 |
2016 |
Arango, A.D.H. |
Palabra de abundancia: saberes indígenas que fortalecen diálogos interculturales de derechos humanos en la Amazonia Colombiana |
Chasqui. Revista Latinoamericana de Comunicación |
Practice |
Latin America |
www.revistachasqui.org/index.php/chasqui/article/download/2507/pdf |
2016 |
Pertinencia de las acciones afirmativas y las competencias intercultura les para el efectivo ejercicio de los derechos humanos en Centroamérica |
UNESCO Publishing |
Practice |
Central America |
http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0024/002459/245928s.pdf |
2016 |
Waldron, R. |
Positionality and reflexive interaction: a critical internationalist cultural studies approach to intercultural collaboration |
Innovations in Education and Teaching International |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14703297.2016.1156010 |
2016 |
Droguett, F.F. |
Problematizando la noción de interculturalidad: Cómo pensar una práctica educativa liberadora desde lo intercultural |
Rumbos TS |
Conceptual |
Latin America |
http://revistafacso.ucentral.cl/index.php/rumbos/article/viewFile/21/17 |
2016 |
Layne, H. D., F. |
Problematizing Finland’s pursuit of intercultural (kindergarten) teacher education |
Multicultural Education Review |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/2005615X.2016.1161290 |
2016 |
Garcia Gonzalez, D. E. |
Reflections on Peace from Interculturality |
Peace & Conflict Studies |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://nsuworks.nova.edu/pcs/vol23/iss1/1/ |
2016 |
Espinoza, J.V. and Portillo, L.M.C. |
Reflexiones sobre Derechos Humanos, multiculturalidad y diálogo intercultural |
Opción |
Conceptual |
Non-specific | |
2016 |
Wessendorf, S. |
Settling in a Super-Diverse Context: Recent Migrants’ Experiences of Conviviality |
Journal of Intercultural Studies |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07256868.2016.1211623 |
2016 |
Björklund, M. and Björkgren, M. |
Some headmaster perspectives on cultures and beliefs in multicultural schools: a qualitative interview study |
Journal of Religious Education |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40839-016-0026-0 |
2016 |
Peterson, A. |
The contested place of religion in the Australian Civics and Citizenship curriculum: exploring the secular in a multi-faith society |
British Journal of Religious Education |
Practice |
Asia |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01416200.2015.1113931 |
2016 |
Mollov, B. and Lavie, C. |
The Impact of Jewish-Arab Intercultural Encounters and the Discourse of the Holocaust on Mutual Perceptions |
IGI Global |
Practice |
Non-specific |
http://www.igi-global.com/book/promoting-global-peace-civic-engagement/142125 |
2016 |
Su, Y.-C. |
The international status of English for intercultural understanding in Taiwan’s high school EFL textbooks |
Asia Pacific Journal of Education |
Practice |
Asia |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02188791.2014.959469 |
2016 |
Marchi, A. and McCarthy, E.D. |
The problem of "culture" in the process of intercultural understanding |
Ilha do Desterro |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://doi.org/10.5007/2175-8026.2016v69n1p251 |
2016 |
Gil, G. |
Third places and the interactive construction of interculturality in the English as foreign/additional language classroom |
Acta Scientiarum Language and Culture |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
http://periodicos.uem.br/ojs/index.php/ActaSciLangCult/article/viewFile/28674/pdf |
2016 |
Aubakirova, S.S., Ismagambetova, Z.N., Karabayeva, A.G., Rysbekova, S.S. and Mirzabekova, A.S. |
Tolerance Issue in Kazakh Culture |
International Journal of Environmental and Science Education |
Conceptual |
Central Asia |
https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1115596 |
2016 |
Walton, J., Paradies, Y. and Mansouri, F. |
Towards reflexive ethnicity: Museums as sites of intercultural encounter |
British Educational Research Journal |
Conceptual |
Asia Pacific |
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/berj.3241 |
2016 |
Webb, A. and Radcliffe, S. |
Unfulfilled promises of equity: racism and interculturalism in Chilean education |
Race Ethnicity and Education |
Policy |
South America |
https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84946430755&partnerID=40&md5=e10116e0cf3faf57e1258f4d175cbe30 |
2016 |
Webb, A. R., S. |
Unfulfilled promises of equity: racism and interculturalism in Chilean education |
Race Ethnicity and Education |
Conceptual |
South America |
https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84946430755&partnerID=40&md5=e10116e0cf3faf57e1258f4d175cbe30 |
2016 |
Radice, M. |
Unpacking Intercultural Conviviality in Multiethnic Commercial Streets |
Journal of Intercultural Studies |
Conceptual |
North America |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07256868.2016.1211624 |
2016 |
Krondorfer, B. |
Unsettling Empathy: Intercultural Dialogue in the Aftermath of Historical and Cultural Trauma |
Barbara Budrich Publishing |
Practice |
Non-specific |
https://shop.budrich-academic.de/produkt/breaking-cycles-of-repetition/?v=6cc98ba2045f |
2016 |
Busch, D. |
What Is Intercultural Sustainability? A First Exploration of Linkages Between Culture and Sustainability in Intercultural Research |
Journal of Sustainable Development |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2016 |
Estévez-Saá, J. M. |
Multiculturalism, Interculturalism, Transculturalism and The Reluctant Fundamentalist |
Southeast Asian Review of English |
Conceptual |
non-specific |
https://doi.org/10.22452/sare.vol53no1.2 |
2016 |
Meer, N. and Modood, T. |
Multiculturalism, interculturalism and citizenship |
Multiculturalism and Interculturalism |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://strathprints.strath.ac.uk/55617/ |
2016 |
Paptolios, A. |
Interculturalism and Human Rights in late modernity |
Cosmos |
Practical |
non-specific |
https://doi.org/10.26262/kosmos.v4i0.6862 |
2015 |
Chen, Y.W., Simmons, N. and Kang, D. |
“My Family Isn't Racist—However…”: Multiracial/Multicultural Obama-ism as an Ideological Barrier to Teaching Intercultural Communication |
Journal of International and Intercultural Communication |
Practice |
North America |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17513057.2015.1025331 |
2015 |
Ortiz, P, Williamson, G. and Hemmings, A. |
A critical ethnographic approach to the study of ethnic identity: Chilean Mapuche intercultural bilingual education |
American Psychological Association |
Practice |
South America |
http://psycnet.apa.org/books/14618/004 |
2015 |
Armillei, R. |
https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-16003-0_9 |
Cultural, Religious and Political Contestations: The Multicultural Challenge |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-16003-0_9 |
2015 |
Pavan, R., Lima Paniago, M.C. and Licínio Backes, J. |
Action Research and intercultural dialogue: An experience with Brazilian Indians |
International Journal of Action Research |
Conceptual |
Latin America |
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2015 |
Wu, B. |
Asia as [a] method’ of complexity and dialogue |
Routledge |
Practice |
Asia |
https://www.routledge.com/Asia-as-Method-in-Education-Studies-A-defiant-research-imagination/Zhang-Chan-Kenway/p/book/9781138785960 |
2015 |
Banshchikova, T., Solomonov, V. and Fomina, E. |
Attitudes and Tolerance in the Structure of Individual Readiness for Intercultural Interaction |
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences |
Practice |
Non-specific |
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S187704281506108X |
2015 |
Jackson, J. |
Becoming interculturally competent: Theory to practice in international education |
International Journal of Intercultural Relations |
Include |
Non-specific |
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0147176715000358 |
2015 |
Phan, P.C. |
Being religious interreligiously: Asian perspectives on interfaith dialogue |
Orbis books |
Conceptual |
Asia |
http://www.orbisbooks.com/chapters/1-57075-565-5.pdf |
2015 |
Reyskens, P. and Resteigne, D. |
Between practicing and rehearsing: Cultural awareness challenges in the military |
European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2015 |
Fuentes, R. |
Between the community and the individual: Identity in intercultural education in mexico |
Indigenous Education: Language, Culture and Identity |
Conceptual |
South America |
https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-017-9355-1_18 |
2015 |
Knitter, P. |
Challenges of interreligious and intercultural cooperation today |
Political Theology |
Practice |
Non-specific |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1558/poth.v13i4.397 |
2015 |
Howarth, C. and Andreouli, E. |
'Changing the context': Tackling discrimination at school and in society |
International Journal of Educational Development |
Practice |
Europe |
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0738059314000510 |
2015 |
Sandu, O. N. |
Civic and Intercultural Education: A Means for Community Development and Attitude Change |
Sage Open |
Conceptual |
Europe |
http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/2158244015580371 |
2015 |
Uranga, W. |
Comunicación para el diálogo político e intercultural. Derecho a la comunicación y ciudadanía comunicacional |
Campos en Ciencias Sociales |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://revistas.usantotomas.edu.co/index.php/campos/article/view/3317/3154 |
2015 |
Lehmann, D. |
Convergencias y divergencias en la educación superior intercultural en México |
Revista mexicana de ciencias políticas y sociales |
Practice |
Latin America |
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0185191815721331 |
2015 |
Peleg, S. |
Coordinating meaning and joint identity: Cultivating leadership and cross-cultural communication in a divided community |
Cross-Cultural Collaboration and Leadership in Modern Organizations |
Practice |
Middle East |
https://www.igi-global.com/book/cross-cultural-collaboration-leadership-modern/123120 |
2015 |
Read, K., Aldridge, J., Ala'i, K., Fraser, B. and Fozdar, F. |
Creating a Climate in Which Students Can Flourish: A Whole School Intercultural Approach |
International Journal of Whole Schooling |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1074176 |
2015 |
Amez, M. |
Desire to end violence: Human rights and intercultural citizenship in teacher education |
Argentinian Journal of Applied Linguistics |
Practice |
Non-specific |
http://www.faapi.org.ar/ajal/issues/302/AJALVol3%282%29.pdf#page=105 |
2015 |
Dervin, F. and Hahl, K. |
Developing a Portfolio of Intercultural Competences in Teacher Education: The Case of a Finnish International Programme |
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00313831.2014.904413 |
2015 |
Ko, B., Boswell, B. and Yoon, S. |
Developing intercultural competence through global link experiences in physical education |
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy |
Conceptual |
Asia |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17408989.2013.837441 |
2015 |
Rodríguez, P.A. |
Diálogos interculturales: testimonios de mujeres indígenas |
Revista de estudios de género |
Practice |
Latin America |
https://doi.org/10.32870/lv.v2i18.939 |
2015 |
Guilherme, M. and Dietz, G. |
Difference in diversity: multiple perspectives on multicultural, intercultural, and transcultural conceptual complexities |
Journal of Multicultural Discourses |
Conceptual |
Latin America |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17447143.2015.1015539 |
2015 |
Lähdesmäki, T. and Wagener, A. |
Discourses on governing diversity in Europe: Critical analysis of the White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue |
International Journal of Intercultural Relations |
Practice |
Europe |
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijintrel.2014.11.002 |
2015 |
Coperías-Aguilar, M. J. |
Double intercultural dialogue in the Hispanic press in the United States: the case of New York newspapers |
Language and Intercultural Communication |
Conceptual |
North America |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14708477.2015.1015346 |
2015 |
Hackett, H. |
Early modern exchanges: dialogues between nations and cultures |
Ashgate Publishing Company |
Practice |
Non-specific |
https://www.routledge.com/Early-Modern-Exchanges-Dialogues-Between-Nations-and-Cultures-1550-1750/Hackett/p/book/9781472425294 |
2015 |
Smit, P.B. |
Ecumenical Dialogue as Intercultural Encounter |
Exchange |
Practice |
Non-specific |
http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/10.1163/1572543x-12341371 |
2015 |
Yusupova, G.F., Podgorecki, J. and Markova, N.G. |
Educating young people in multicultural educational environment of higher education institution |
International Journal of Environmental and Science Education |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1081880 |
2015 |
Halafoff, A., Arweck, E. and Boisvert, D.L. |
Education about religions and worldviews: Promoting intercultural and interreligious understanding in secular societies |
Journal of Intercultural Studies |
Practice |
Non-specific |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07256868.2015.1030099 |
2015 |
Downing, J. |
European influence on diversity policy frames: paradoxical outcomes of Lyon's membership of the Intercultural Cities programme |
Ethnic and Racial Studies |
Practice |
Europe |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01419870.2014.996241 |
2015 |
Ludwinek, A. |
European intercultural mindset - what can the attitudes and perceptions of Europeans on intercultural dialogue, integration and discrimination tell the local policy makers? |
Interculturalism in Cities: Concept, Policy and Implementation |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.elgaronline.com/view/9781784715311.xml |
2015 |
Fu, Y.-Y. |
Factors that contribute to tourism students' development of intercultural competence |
Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal |
Conceptual |
Africa |
https://hrcak.srce.hr/137480 |
2015 |
Walton, J., Paradies, Y., Priest, N., Wertheim, E.H. and Freeman, E. |
Fostering intercultural understanding through secondary school experiences of cultural immersion |
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education |
Practice |
Asia Pacific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09518398.2014.891772 |
2015 |
Ribugent, G.C. |
From intercultural education to critical education in cultural diversity: the UNESCO Diversity Kit for Youth |
Revista de Educación |
Practice |
Non-specific |
http://fh.mdp.edu.ar/revistas/index.php/r_educ/article/view/1353 |
2015 |
Shen V. |
Globalization, the Spirit of Christianity and Intercultural Dialogues |
Lumen: A Journal of Catholic Studies |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
http://lumen.fju.edu.tw/index.php/LUMEN/article/view/43 |
2015 |
Cantle, T. |
Implementing intercultural policies |
Interculturalism in Cities: Concept, Policy and Implementation |
Policy |
Non-specific |
http://www.e-elgar.com/shop/interculturalism-in-cities?___website=uk_warehouse |
2015 |
Aman, R. |
In the name of interculturality: on colonial legacies in intercultural education |
British educational research journal |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://liu.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:714934/FULLTEXT01.pdf |
2015 |
Mihalcioiu, V. |
Intercultural analysis models - a critical approach |
Quality - Access to Success |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84939462689&partnerID=40&md5=9b58b4fb5fad5ec2fbf58835b8a1a0cb |
2015 |
Sorrells, K. |
Intercultural Communication Globalization and Social Justice |
Sage Publications |
Practice |
Non-specific |
https://au.sagepub.com/en-gb/oce/intercultural-communication/book241037 |
2015 |
Baraldi, C. |
Intercultural communication systems and discourses of cultural identity |
Applied Linguistics Review |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/alr.2015.6.issue-1/applirev-2015-0003/applirev-2015-0003.xml |
2015 |
Leeds‐Hurwitz, W. |
Intercultural Dialogue |
The International Encyclopedia of Language and Social Interaction |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9781118611463.wbielsi061/abstract;jsessionid=5759FF5C60205EA5CF3742F0579433E6.f02t03?userIsAuthenticated=false&deniedAccessCustomisedMessage= |
2015 |
López Saenz, M.C. |
Intercultural dialogue. A Utopia of 21st century [Diálogo intercultural ¿una utopía del siglo XXI?] |
Pensamiento |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84930325794&partnerID=40&md5=39336f66dc2005c1cc21d320840d3c6b |
2015 |
Lau, S. M. C. |
Intercultural education through a bilingual children’s rights project: reflections on its possibilities and challenges with young learners |
Intercultural Education |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14675986.2015.1109774 |
2015 |
Spariosu, M. I. |
Intercultural relations in East-Central Europe: the cases of Banat and Transylvania |
World Literature Studies |
Policy |
Europe |
http://www.wls.sav.sk/wp-content/uploads/WLS1_2015_Spariosu.pdf |
2015 |
Van Den Toren, B. |
Intercultural theology as a three-way conversation: Beyond the western dominance of intercultural theology |
Exchange |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/10.1163/1572543x-12341354 |
2015 |
Zapata-Barrero, R. |
Interculturalism in cities: concept, policy and implementation |
Edward Elgar Publishing |
Policy |
Non-specific |
http://www.e-elgar.com/shop/interculturalism-in-cities |
2015 |
Caponio, T. and Ricucci, R. |
Interculturalism: A policy instrument supporting social inclusion? |
Interculturalism in Cities: Concept, Policy and Implementation |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.elgaronline.com/view/9781784715311.xml |
2015 |
Zapata-Barrero, R. |
Interculturalism: Main hypothesis, theories and strands |
Interculturalism in Cities: Concept, Policy and Implementation |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.elgaronline.com/view/9781784715311.xml |
2015 |
Hua, Z. |
Interculturality: Reconceptualising cultural memberships and identities through translanguaging practice |
Researching Identity and Interculturality |
Conceptual |
Asia; North America |
https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9781317811978/chapters/10.4324%2F9781315816883-11 |
2015 |
Tappe, O. |
Introduction: Frictions and Fictions—Intercultural Encounters and Frontier Imaginaries in Upland Southeast Asia |
The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology |
Practice |
Asia |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14442213.2015.1049201 |
2015 |
Finger, A., Kathöfer, G. and Larkosh, C. |
KulturConfusão : on German-Brazilian interculturalities |
De Gruyter |
Practice |
Non-specific |
https://www.degruyter.com/view/product/447628 |
2015 |
Ladegaard, H.J. and Jenks, C.J. |
Language and intercultural communication in the workplace: critical approaches to theory and practice |
Language and Intercultural Communication |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14708477.2014.985302 |
2015 |
Wagner, A. |
Measuring intercultural policies: The example of the Intercultural Cities Index |
Interculturalism in Cities: Concept, Policy and Implementation |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.elgaronline.com/view/9781784715311.xml |
2015 |
Banda, F. |
Minority media as intercultural dialogue: Towards a communicative praxis |
Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies |
Practice |
Non-specific |
http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/intellect/ajms/2015/00000004/00000001/art00002 |
2015 |
Girishkumar, D. |
Multiculturalism or interculturalism? A conversation with Ted Cantle |
Journal of Intercultural Studies |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84949494084&partnerID=40&md5=044b650b2190d9e23f4fad496bb0b8f7 |
2015 |
Lähdesmäki, T., Heynderickx, P.C., Wagener, A. and Dieltjens, S.M. |
Negations and negativity as linguistic devices in policy discourse of intercultural cities |
Journal of Multicultural Discourses |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17447143.2015.1067220 |
2015 |
Dai, X. and Chen, G.M. |
On interculturality and intercultural communication competence |
China Media Research |
Practice |
Non-specific |
http://go.galegroup.com/ps/i.do?id=GALE|A426444658&sid=googleScholar&v=2.1&it=r&linkaccess=fulltext&issn=1556889X&p=AONE&sw=w&authCount=1&u=deakin&selfRedirect=true |
2015 |
Rozbicki, M. |
Perspectives On Interculturality: The Construction Of Meaning In Relationships Of Difference |
Palgrave Macmillan |
Practice |
Non-specific |
http://www.palgrave.com/us/book/9781137489135 |
2015 |
Jaatinen, R. E. |
Promoting interculturalism in primary school children through the development of encountering skills: a case study in two Finnish schools |
Education 3-13 |
Practice |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03004279.2013.877951 |
2015 |
McDermott, P., Nic Craith, M. and Strani, K. |
Public space, collective memory and intercultural dialogue in a (UK) city of culture |
Identities |
Practice |
Europe |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1070289X.2015.1054828 |
2015 |
Fancourt, N.P.M. |
Re-defining ‘learning about religion’ and ‘learning from religion’: A study of policy change |
British Journal of Religious Education |
Policy |
Europe |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01416200.2014.923377 |
2015 |
Lehmann, K. |
Religious Presence in the Context of the United Nations Organization: A Survey |
The Changing World Religion Map |
Policy |
Non-specific |
http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-017-9376-6_154 |
2015 |
Padilla, B., Azevedo, J. and Olmos-Alcaraz, A. |
Superdiversity and conviviality: exploring frameworks for doing ethnography in Southern European intercultural cities |
Ethnic and Racial Studies |
Include: Conceptualisation & Practice |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01419870.2015.980294 |
2015 |
Henry, D. |
Talking deeper about cultural difference: A digital interactive from Melbourne |
Curator |
Conceptual |
Asia Pacific |
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/cura.12108 |
2015 |
Aman, R. |
The Double Bind of Interculturality and the Implications for Education |
Journal of Intercultural Studies |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/07256868.2015.1008431 |
2015 |
Bradley, D. |
The Dynamics of Multiculturalism in "Music Matters: A Philosophy of Music Education" |
Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education |
Conceptual |
North America |
https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1084637 |
2015 |
Hadjisoteriou, C., Faas, D. and Angelides, P. |
The Europeanisation of intercultural education? Responses from EU policy-makers |
Educational Review |
Conceptual |
Europe |
http://www.tandfonline.com/db/era/journal-db-entry/e616995 |
2015 |
Helskog, G. H. |
The Gandhi Project: Dialogos philosophical dialogues and the ethics and politics of intercultural and interfaith friendship |
Educational Action Research |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09650792.2014.980287 |
2015 |
Lando, A.L., Muthuri, L. and Odira, P.R. |
The importance of interfaith dialog in the workplace for achieving organizational goals: a Kenyan case study |
Language and Intercultural Communication |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://nca.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14708477.2014.985306#.Wx9Q1J8zaUk |
2015 |
Gutema, B. |
The Intercultural dimension of African Philosophy |
African Study Monographs |
Conceptual |
Africa |
http://repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2433/200277/1/ASM_36_139-154.pdf |
2015 |
Engberg, E. M. |
The mediating role of intercultural wonderment: connecting programmatic components to global outcomes in study abroad |
Higher Education |
Practice |
Non-specific |
http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10734-015-9886-6 |
2015 |
Leonard, D.R. |
The Origins and Contemporary Approaches to Intra‐Islamic and Inter‐Religious Coexistence and Dialogue in Oman |
The Muslim World |
Practice |
Middle East |
http://www.alamanacentre.org/articles/Origins%20and%20Contemporary%20Approaches.pdf |
2015 |
Mikulec, B. |
The possibilities of intercultural education in European society |
International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies |
Conceptual |
Europe |
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2015 |
Tsuji, T. |
Toward the Materiality of Intercultural Dialogue, Still a “Miracle Begging for Analysis” |
Palgrave Macmillan US |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1057/9781137484390_4 |
2015 |
Dervin, F. |
Towards post-intercultural teacher education: analysing ‘extreme 'intercultural dialogue to reconstruct interculturality |
European Journal of Teacher Education |
Practice |
Europe |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02619768.2014.902441 |
2015 |
Webb, A. and Radcliffe, S. |
Unfulfilled promises of equity: racism and interculturalism in Chilean education |
Race Ethnicity and Education |
Practice |
South America |
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2015 |
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Why Interculturalidad is not Interculturality: Colonial remains and paradoxes in translation between indigenous social movements and supranational bodies |
Cultural Studies |
Conceptual |
Europe; South America |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09502386.2014.899379 |
2015 |
Lawler, J.A. and Mir, G. |
Women, faith, and social cohesion |
Gender and Diversity Issues in Religious-Based Institutions and Organizations |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/women-faith-and-social-cohesion/137675 |
2015 |
Blair, K. |
Young Adults’ Attitudes Towards Multiculturalism in Australia: Tensions between the Multicultural State and the Intercultural Citizen |
Journal of Intercultural Studies |
Conceptual |
Asia Pacific |
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2014 |
Phipps, A. |
‘They are bombing now’: ‘Intercultural Dialogue’ in times of conflict |
Journal of Language and Intercultural Communication |
Practice |
Non-specific |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14708477.2013.866127 |
2014 |
Hornberger, N. H. |
“Until I Became a Professional, I Was Not, Consciously, Indigenous”: One Intercultural Bilingual Educator’s Trajectory in Indigenous Language Revitalization |
Journal of Language, Identity and Education |
Practice |
South America |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15348458.2014.939028 |
2014 |
Hoff, H. E. |
A critical discussion of Byram’s model of intercultural communicative competence in the light of bildung theories |
Intercultural Education |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14675986.2014.992112 |
2014 |
Matsuo, C. |
A dialogic critique of Michael Byram’s intercultural communicative competence model: Proposal for a dialogic pedagogy |
Fukuoka University, Fukuoka, Japan |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2014 |
Downie, A. |
A spirituality of openness: Christian ecofeminist perspectives and inter-religious dialogue |
Feminist Theology |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
http://fth.sagepub.com/content/23/1/55.short |
2014 |
McDermott, G.R. and Netland, H.A. |
A Trinitarian theology of religions: an evangelical proposal |
Oxford University Press |
Practice |
Non-specific |
https://global.oup.com/academic/product/a-trinitarian-theology-of-religions-9780199751822?cc=us&lang=en& |
2014 |
Crosbie, V. |
Capabilities for intercultural dialogue |
Language and Intercultural Communication |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14708477.2013.866126 |
2014 |
Wise, A. and Velayutham, S. |
Conviviality in everyday multiculturalism: Some brief comparisons between Singapore and Sydney |
European Journal of Cultural Studies |
Conceptual |
Asia Pacific |
http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1367549413510419 |
2014 |
Harris, A. |
Conviviality, Conflict and Distanciation in Young People's Local Multicultures |
Journal of Intercultural Studies |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2014 |
Minnema, L. |
Correlations between types of culture, styles of communication and forms of interreligious dialogue |
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2014 |
Reynolds, C. |
Developing intercultural competence through education |
Council of Europe Publishing |
Practice |
Europe |
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2014 |
Eid, M. and Karim, K.H. |
Engaging the other: public policy and Western-Muslim intersections |
Palgrave Macmillan |
Practice |
Non-specific |
http://www.palgrave.com/us/book/9781137403681 |
2014 |
Dervin, F. |
Exploring 'new' interculturality online |
Language and Intercultural Communication |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://nca.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14708477.2014.896923#.Wx9EHJ8zaUk |
2014 |
Seibt, J. and Garsdal, J. |
How is Global Dialogue Possible? |
De Gruyte |
Practice |
Non-specific |
https://www.degruyter.com/view/product/211449 |
2014 |
Gyepi-Garbrah, J., Walker, R. and Garcea, J. |
Indigeneity, Immigrant Newcomers and Interculturalism in Winnipeg, Canada |
Urban Studies |
Conceptual |
North America |
http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0042098013502826 |
2014 |
Neuliep, J.W. |
Intercultural communication: A contextual approach |
Sage Publications |
Practice |
Non-specific |
https://au.sagepub.com/en-gb/oce/intercultural-communication/book245754 |
2014 |
Demenchonok, Ė.V. |
Intercultural dialogue: In search of harmony in diversity |
Cambridge Scholars Publishing |
Practice |
Non-specific |
http://www.cambridgescholars.com/intercultural-dialogue |
2014 |
Miller, M. G. |
Intercultural dialogues in early childhood education for sustainability: Embedding Indigenous perspectives |
Research in Early Childhood Education for Sustainability: International Perspectives and Provocations |
Practice |
Non-specific |
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2014 |
Faas, D.; Hajisoteriou, C. and Angelides, P. |
Intercultural education in Europe: Policies, practices and trends |
British Educational Research Journal |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/berj.3080 |
2014 |
Tupas, R. |
Intercultural education in everyday practice |
Intercultural Education |
Conceptual |
Asia |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14675986.2014.883166 |
2014 |
Santos, M., Araújo e Sá, M.H. and Simões, A.R. |
Intercultural education in primary school: a collaborative project |
Language and Intercultural Communication |
Practice |
Non-specific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14708477.2013.866130 |
2014 |
Catarci, M. |
Intercultural education in the European context: key remarks from a comparative study |
Intercultural Education |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14675986.2014.886820 |
2014 |
Ari, L.L. and Laron, D. |
Intercultural learning in graduate studies at an Israeli college of education: Attitudes toward multiculturalism among Jewish and Arab students |
Higher Education |
Include: Conceptualisation & Practice |
Middle East |
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2014 |
Akuno, E., Klepacki, L., Lin, M.C., O’Toole, J., Reihana, T., Wagner, E. and Restrepo, G.Z. |
International and intercultural dialogue |
Routledge |
Practice |
Non-specific |
https://www.routledge.com/The-Routledge-International-Handbook-of-the-Arts-and-Education/Fleming-Bresler-OToole/p/book/9780415839211 |
2014 |
Riitaoja, A.L. and Dervin, F. |
Interreligious Dialogue in Schools: Beyond Asymmetry and Categorisation? |
Language and Intercultural Communication |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14708477.2013.866125 |
2014 |
Helskog, G. H. |
Moving out of conflict into reconciliation – Building through philosophical dialogue in intercultural and interreligious education |
Educational Action Research |
Practice |
Europe |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09650792.2014.882262 |
2014 |
Helskog, G. H. |
Moving out of conflict into reconciliation—Bildung through philosophical dialogue in intercultural and interreligious education |
Educational Action Research |
Conceptual |
Europe |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09650792.2014.882262 |
2014 |
Becker, A., De Wet, A. and Parker, G. |
Moving towards understanding one an-other: Cornelia Roux on religion, culture and human rights |
Journal for the Study of Religion |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2014 |
Modood, T. |
Multiculturalism, Interculturalisms and the Majority |
Journal of Moral Education |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2014 |
Pilarska, J. U., A. |
Multi-layer aspects of information manipulation in the intercultural area |
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences |
Conceptual |
Europe |
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2014 |
Cantle, T. |
National identity, plurality and interculturalism |
Political Quarterly |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2014 |
Kowalczyk, J. A. |
Nationalizing interculturalism: Reading intercultural school policy through Italian cosmopolitanism |
Systems of Reason and the Politics of Schooling: School Reform and Sciences of Education in the Tradition of Thomas S. Popkewitz |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.routledge.com/Systems-of-Reason-and-the-Politics-of-Schooling-School-Reform-and-Sciences/Pereyra-Franklin/p/book/9781315778402 |
2014 |
Wroblewski, M. |
Public indigeneity, language revitalization, and intercultural planning in a native amazonian beauty pageant |
American Anthropologist |
Conceptual |
South America |
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2014 |
DesRoches, S. J. |
Québec’s interculturalism: Promoting intolerance in the name of community building |
Ethics and Education |
Conceptual |
North America |
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2014 |
Katz, S.R. and Chumpi Nantip, C.L. |
'Recuperando la dignidad humana [Recovering human dignity]': Shuar mothers speak out on intercultural bilingual education |
Intercultural Education |
Practice |
South America |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14675986.2014.883703 |
2014 |
Clark, J., and Dervin, F. |
Reflexivity In Language And Intercultural Education : Rethinking Multilingualism And Interculturality |
Routledge |
Practice |
Non-specific |
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2014 |
Jackson, R. |
Religion education, intercultural education and human rights: A contribution for Cornelia Roux |
Journal for the Study of Religion |
Policy |
Europe |
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2014 |
Dadabaev, T. |
Religiosity and Soviet ‘modernisation 'in Central Asia: locating religious traditions and rituals in recollections of antireligious policies in Uzbekistan |
Religion, State & Society |
Policy |
Asia |
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2014 |
Noor, N. M. and Ferry, M. S. |
Religious and Multicultural Education: Introducing Interfaith Dialogue in the Indonesian Educational System |
AL ALBAB - Borneo Journal of Religious Studies |
Practice |
Asia |
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2014 |
Goodman, L.E. |
Religious Pluralism and Values in the Public Sphere |
Cambridge University Press |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2014 |
Caruana, V. |
Re-thinking global citizenship in higher education: From cosmopolitanism and international mobility to cosmopolitanisation, resilience and resilient thinking |
Higher Education Quarterly |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2014 |
School and Teaching Practices for Twenty first Century Challenges: Lessons from the Asia-Pacific Region |
UNESCO Publishing |
Practice |
Asia-Pacific |
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2014 |
Jackson, R. |
Signposts-Policy and practice for teaching about religions and non-religious world views in intercultural education |
Council of Europe |
Policy |
Europe |
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2014 |
Sharma, S. |
The conflict and challenge of integrating the "others" in Europe |
European Research Studies Journal |
Conceptual |
Europe |
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2014 |
Jackson, R. |
The development and dissemination of Council of Europe policy on education about religions and non-religious convictions |
Journal of Beliefs & Values |
Policy |
Europe |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13617672.2014.953295 |
2014 |
DePALMA, R.E.N.É.E. and Lopez, L.C. |
The hijab and the integration of the muslim other in Spanish schools |
Policy Futures in Education |
Policy |
Europe |
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2014 |
Zotzmann, K. |
The Impossibility of Defining and Measuring Intercultural Competencies |
Resistance to the Known: Counter-Conduct in Language Education |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2014 |
Roberts, K.G. |
The Limits Of Cosmopolis : Ethics And Provinciality In The Dialogue Of Cultures |
Peter Lang Inc. |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2014 |
Zapata-Barrero, R. |
The limits to shaping diversity as public culture: Permanent festivities in Barcelona |
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Policy |
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2014 |
Mitchell, D.W. |
The Mystical Theology of Chiara Lubich: A Foundation for Interreligious Dialogue in East Asia |
Claritas: Journal of Dialogue and Culture |
Conceptual |
Asia |
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2014 |
Wilson, H. F. |
The possibilities of tolerance: intercultural dialogue in a multicultural Europe |
Environment & Planning D: Society & Space |
Conceptual |
Europe |
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2014 |
Corrie, J. |
The Promise of Intercultural Mission |
Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies |
Conceptual |
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2014 |
Striley, K.M. and Lawson, S. |
Theorizing Communication Orientations of Privilege: How White Discourses (De) Construct Australian Aboriginals |
Journal of International and Intercultural Communication |
Conceptual |
Asia Pacific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17513057.2014.898368 |
2014 |
Phipps, A. |
'They are bombing now': 'Intercultural Dialogue' in times of conflict |
Language and Intercultural Communication |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14708477.2013.866127 |
2014 |
Blum, L. |
Three Educational Values for a Multicultural Society: Difference Recognition, National Cohesion and Equality |
Journal of Moral Education |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03057240.2014.922057 |
2014 |
Buhrig, K., House, J. and ten Thije, J. |
Translational action and intercultural communication |
Routledge |
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Non-specific |
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2014 |
Arizpe, E., Bagelman, C., Devlin, A.M., Farrell, M. and McAdam, J.E. |
Visualizing intercultural literacy: engaging critically with diversity and migration in the classroom through an image-based approach |
Language and Intercultural Communication |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14708477.2014.903056 |
2014 |
Bali, M. |
Why doesn't this feel empowering? The challenges of web-based intercultural dialogue |
Teaching in Higher Education |
Conceptual |
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2013 |
Dervin, F. and Layne, H. |
A guide to interculturality for international and exchange students: an example of Hostipitality? |
Journal of Multicultural Discourses |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17447143.2012.753896 |
2013 |
Donati, P. |
A multicultural society needs a relational reason |
Acta Philosophica |
Conceptual |
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2013 |
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Balancing citizenship and interculturalism: a comparison of two European contexts of inclusion |
Intercultural Education |
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Europe |
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2013 |
Solano-Campos, A.T. |
Bringing Latin America's 'Interculturalidad' into the Conversation |
Journal of Intercultural Studies |
Practice |
South America |
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2013 |
Lawrence, D.P. |
Buddhist–Hindu Dialogue |
The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Inter-Religious Dialogue |
Practice |
Non-specific |
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2013 |
Howard, L. A. |
Connecting the world to the word: Living newspapers and intercultural communication Pedagogy |
Journal of Intercultural Communication |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2013 |
Bakry, S.H. and Al-Ghamdi, A. |
Cultural pluralism in the context of the knowledge society ecosystem: Reviews and views |
Governance, Communication, and Innovation in a Knowledge Intensive Society |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2013 |
Siu, A. and Stanisevski, D. |
Deliberation in Multicultural Societies: Addressing Inequality, Exclusion, and Marginalization |
Democracy in Motion: Evaluating the Practice and Impact of Deliberative Civic Engagement |
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2013 |
Stephan, W.G. and Stephan, C.W. |
Designing intercultural education and training programs: An evidence-based approach |
International Journal of Intercultural Relations |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2013 |
Candela, A. |
Dialogue between cultures in Tzeltal teachers' cultural discourse: Co-construction of an intercultural proposal for science education |
Journal of Multicultural Discourses |
Conceptual |
South America |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17447143.2012.756492 |
2013 |
Corriero, J. and O’Doherty, L. |
Digital Expressions and Networks Shape Intercultural Opportunities for Youth |
Intercultural Education |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14675986.2013.843241 |
2013 |
Hajisoteriou, C. |
Duty calls for interculturalism: How do teachers perceive the reform of intercultural education in Cyprus? |
Teacher Development |
Practice |
Europe |
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2013 |
Olagunju, O. |
Globalization and Inter-Religious Dialogue in African Cultural Context |
Journal of Studies in Social Sciences |
Conceptual |
Africa |
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2013 |
Walton, J., Priest, N. and Paradies, Y. |
Identifying and developing effective approaches to foster intercultural understanding in schools |
Intercultural Education |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14675986.2013.793036 |
2013 |
Hayward, M. and U-Mackey, A. |
Inclusiveness, power sharing and critical enquiry: Intercultural programme model for new settlers |
Intercultural Education |
Practice |
Asia Pacific |
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2013 |
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Intercultural Dialogue--A Must for a Sustainable Harmony among Religion Followers |
Cross-Cultural Management Journal |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2013 |
Ogrodzka-Mazur, E. |
Intercultural education in schools of the Polish-Czech borderland: Experiences-problems-prospects |
New Educational Review |
Practice |
Europe |
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2013 |
Bauer, S., Loomis, C. and Akkari, A. |
Intercultural immigrant youth identities in contexts of family, friends, and school |
Journal of Youth Studies |
Conceptual |
Europe |
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2013 |
Tubino, F. and Sinnigen, J.H. |
Intercultural Practices in Latin American Nation States |
Journal of Intercultural Studies |
Practice |
South America |
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2013 |
Tubino, F., and Sinnigen, J.H. |
Intercultural Practices in Latin American Nation States |
Journal of Intercultural Studies |
Conceptual |
South America |
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2013 |
Galanakis, M. |
Intercultural public spaces in multicultural Toronto |
Canadian Journal of Urban Research |
Practice |
North America |
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2013 |
Galanakis, M. |
Intercultural public spaces in multicultural Toronto |
Canadian Journal of Urban Research |
Conceptual |
North America |
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2013 |
Catarci, M. |
Interculturalism in Italian primary schools with a high concentration of immigrant students |
Intercultural Education |
Practice |
Europe |
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2013 |
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Interculturality beyond its own limits: Epistemological and ethical-political proposals |
Anthropology in Action |
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South America |
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2013 |
Omotoye, R. |
Inter-Religious Dialogue as a Panacea for National Development in Nigeria |
Centrepoint Journal |
Practice |
Africa |
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2013 |
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Inter-religious dialogue in Haiti–a tool for peace and development |
Faith in Civil Society Religious Actors as Drivers of Change |
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Caribbean |
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2013 |
Gilbert, L., Viswanathan, L. and Saberi, P. |
Marginalized expertise of community organizations in Quebec's search for interculturalism |
Canadian Journal of Urban Research |
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North America |
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2013 |
Fletcher, J.H. |
Motherhood as Metaphor: Engendering Interreligious Dialogue |
Oxford University Press |
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2013 |
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Moving beyond the Janus face of integration and diversity discourses: Towards an intersectional framing |
Sociological Review |
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Multiculturalism or Hybridisation? Cultural Mixing and Politics |
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New Directions in Intercultural Early Education in Australia |
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Overcoming incommensurability through intercultural dialogue |
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Non-specific |
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Postcolonial theology of religions: particularity and pluralism in world Christianity |
Routledge |
Conceptual |
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2013 |
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Problems and Possibilities of Religious Experience as a Category for Inter‐Religious Dialogue: Intimations from Newman and Lonergan |
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2013 |
Miller, J., O'Grady, K., and McKenna, U. |
Religion in education: innovation in international research |
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Non-specific |
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Berry, J. W. |
Research on multiculturalism in Canada |
International Journal of Intercultural Relations |
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2013 |
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Shifting conceptions of state regulation of religion: the Indonesian Draft Law on Inter-religious Harmony |
Global Change, Peace & Security |
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Asia |
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2013 |
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Should interculturalism replace multiculturalism? A plea for complementariness |
Ethical Perspectives |
Conceptual |
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2013 |
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Strangerhood and intercultural subjectivity |
Language and Intercultural Communication |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2013 |
Rodrigues, T.C. and Abramowicz, A. |
The contemporary debate on diversity and difference in education policies and studies |
Educacao e Pesquisa |
Conceptual |
South America |
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2013 |
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The Evolution of the Assisi Gathering: To Humanism and Beyond? |
Journal of Ecumenical Studies |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2013 |
Asante M.K., Miike Y. and Yin J. |
The global intercultural communication reader |
Routledge |
Practice |
Non-specific |
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2013 |
Miravet, L.M. and García, O.M. |
The Role of Reachers' Shared Values and Objectives in Promoting Intercultural and Inclusive School Cultures: A Case Study |
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (QSE) |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09518398.2012.731535 |
2013 |
Peiser, G. and Jones, M. |
The significance of intercultural understanding in the English modern foreign languages curriculum: A pupil perspective |
Language Learning Journal |
Policy |
Non-specific |
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2013 |
Wessels, A. |
The Torah, the Gospel, and the Qur'an: Three Books, Two Cities, One Tale. |
Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing |
Practice |
Non-specific |
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2013 |
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Theorizing Difference in Intercultural Communication: A Critical Dialogic Perspective |
Communication Monographs |
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2013 |
Dervin, F. and Tournebise, C. |
Turbulence in intercultural communication education (ICE): does it affect higher education? |
Intercultural Education |
Conceptual |
Europe |
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2013 |
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Understanding and assessing intercultural competence in an online environment: A case study of transnational education programme delivery between college students in ULPGC, Spain, and ICES, France |
Revista Espanola de Linguistica Aplicada |
Conceptual |
Europe |
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2013 |
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Unexpected consequences of intercultural education policies in Bolivia |
Anthropology in Action |
Policy |
South America |
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2013 |
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Using simulations to develop intercultural communication competence in an EFL methodology seminar |
Second Language Learning and Teaching |
Conceptual |
Europe |
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2013 |
Fletcher, J.H. |
Women in Inter‐Religious Dialogue |
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, |
Practice |
Non-specific |
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2012 |
Davies, E.E. and Bentahila, A. |
Anglo-Arab Intercultural Communication |
The Handbook of Intercultural Discourse and Communication |
Practice |
Middle East; Africa |
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2012 |
Phan, P. C. |
Catholicism and Confucianism: An Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Challenges |
Catholicism and Interreligious Dialogue |
Practice |
East Asia |
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2012 |
Kymlicka, W. |
Comment on Meer and Modood |
Journal of Intercultural Studies |
Conceptual |
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2012 |
Maniatis, P. |
Critical Intercultural Education Necessities and Prerequisites for Its Development in Greece |
Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies |
Conceptual |
Europe |
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2012 |
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Cross-Cultural Communication and the Continuity of Cultures: The Role of Intercultural Dialogue |
Politeja |
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Non-specific |
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2012 |
Broome, B.J. and Collier, M.J. |
Culture, Communication, and Peacebuilding: A Reflexive Multi-Dimensional Contextual Framework |
Journal of International and Intercultural Communication |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2012 |
Agyeman, J. and Erickson, J.S. |
Culture, Recognition, and the Negotiation of Difference: Some Thoughts on Cultural Competency in Planning Education |
Journal of Planning Education and Research |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2012 |
Goulah, J. |
Daisaku Ikeda and Value-Creative Dialogue: A new current in interculturalism and educational philosophy |
Educational Philosophy and Theory |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2012 |
Castillo, J.L.A. and Gelabert, M.A.E. |
Dioses en las aulas: Educación y diálogo interreligioso |
Publicaciones Grao |
Practice |
Europe |
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2012 |
Andraos, M. E. |
Engaging Diversity in Teaching Religion and Theology: An Intercultural, De-Colonial Epistemic Perspective |
Teaching Theology & Religion |
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2012 |
Owusu-Ansah, A. |
Exploring Hofstede's cultural dimension using Hollins' structured dialogue to attain a conduit for effective intercultural experiences |
Transcultural Blended Learning and Teaching in Postsecondary Education |
Conceptual |
North America |
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2012 |
Steel, A., Butcher, J. and Bezzina, M. |
Face to face encounters: Education and engagement for a shared humanity |
Journal of Intercultural Communication |
Practice |
Asia Pacific |
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2012 |
Lorcerie, F. |
France: The rejection of interculturalism [France: Le rejet de l'interculturalisme] |
Studi Emigrazione |
Conceptual |
Europe |
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2012 |
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How does Interculturalism Contrast with Multiculturalism? |
Journal of Intercultural Studies |
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2012 |
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How 'intercultural' is education in Greece? Insights from policymakers and educators |
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Policy |
Europe |
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2012 |
James, S. W. |
Indigeneity and the intercultural city |
Postcolonial Studies |
Conceptual |
Asia Pacific |
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2012 |
Agustín, Ó. G. |
Intercultural dialogue visions of the council of Europe and the European commission for a post-multiculturalist era |
Journal of Intercultural Communication |
Conceptual |
Europe |
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2012 |
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Intercultural Dialogue: Efficient Construct of the Integrative Development of Polyethnic Societies |
Politeja |
Conceptual |
Europe |
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2012 |
Hajisoteriou, C., Neophytou, L. and Angelides, P. |
Intercultural dimensions in the (new) curriculum of Cyprus: The way forward |
Curriculum Journal |
Policy |
Europe |
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2012 |
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Intercultural education? An analysis of Cypriot educational policy |
Educational Research |
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Europe |
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2012 |
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Intercultural identity and inter-religious dialogue: a holy place to be? |
Language and Intercultural Communication |
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2012 |
Guilherme, A., Morgan, W.J. and Freire, I. |
Interculturalism and Non-formal Education in Brazil: A Buberian Perspective |
Educational Philosophy and Theory |
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2012 |
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Interculturalism and the pendulum of identity |
Intercultural Education |
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Interculturalism or multiculturalism? |
Philosophy and Social Criticism |
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2012 |
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Interculturalism vs. Multiculturalism: A Distinction without a Difference? |
Journal of Intercultural Studies |
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2012 |
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Interculturalism vs. Multiculturalism: A Distinction without a Difference? |
Journal of Intercultural Studies |
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2012 |
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Interculturalism, Multiculturalism or Both? |
Political Insight |
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2012 |
Maxwell, B., Waddington, D.I., McDonough, K., Cormier, A.A. and Schwimmer, M. |
Interculturalism, Multiculturalism, and the State Funding and Regulation of Conservative Religious Schools |
Educational Theory |
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2012 |
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Interculturalism: Addressing Diversity in Early Childhood |
Dimensions of Early Childhood |
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2012 |
Cantle, T. |
Interculturalism: For the Era of Globalisation, Cohesion and Diversity |
Political Insight |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2012 |
Santos, M., Araújo e Sá, M.H. and Simões, A.R. |
Interculturality and intercultural education - Representations and practices of a group of educational partners |
L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2012 |
Aikman, S. |
Interrogating discourses of intercultural education: From indigenous Amazon community to global policy forum |
Compare |
Conceptual |
South America |
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2012 |
Teras, M. |
Learning in "Paperland": Cultural Tools and Learning Practices in Finland |
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research |
Conceptual |
Europe |
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2012 |
Werbner, P. |
Multiculturalism from Above and Below: Analysing a Political Discourse |
Journal of Intercultural Studies |
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2012 |
Wieviorka, M. |
Multiculturalism: A Concept to be Redefined and Certainly Not Replaced by the Extremely Vague Term of Interculturalism |
Journal of Intercultural Studies |
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2012 |
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On Reflection: Is Reflexivity Necessarily Beneficial in Intercultural Education? |
Intercultural Education |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2012 |
Vega Camacho, O. |
Paths for Good Living: The Bolivian Constitutional Process |
Journal fuer Entwicklungspolitik |
Practice |
South America |
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2012 |
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Pierre Bourdieu and intercultural education: It is not just about lack of knowledge about others |
Intercultural Education |
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2012 |
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Postliberalism, Religious Diversity, and Interreligious Dialogue: A Critical Analysis of George Lindbeck’s Fiduciary Interests |
Journal of Ecumenical Studies |
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2012 |
Modood, T. and Meer, N. |
Rejoinder: Assessing the Divergences on our Readings of Interculturalism and Multiculturalism |
Journal of Intercultural Studies |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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Gropas, R. Triandafyllidou, A. |
Religious Diversity and Education: Intercultural and Multicultural Concepts and Policies |
European Multiculturalisms: Cultural, Religious and Ethnic Challenges |
Conceptual |
Europe |
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2012 |
Shah, T. S., Stepan, A., and Toft, M. D. |
Rethinking Religion and World Affairs |
Oxford University Press |
Practice |
Non-specific |
https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199827978.001.0001 |
2012 |
Ibáñez-Martín, J.A., Fuentes, J.L. and Maestre, J.M.B. |
Social competences and immigration from an intercultural perspective [Competencies sociales e inmigración desde una perspectiva intercultural] |
Educacion XX1 |
Practice |
Non-specific |
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2012 |
Garsdal, J. |
Some reflections on existence and imagination in relation to interreligious dialogue and intercultural philosophy of religion |
Journal of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2012 |
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Structured youth dialogue to empower peacebuilding and leadership |
Conflict Resolution Quarterly |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2012 |
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The EU and the Recycling of Colonialism: Formation of Europeans through intercultural dialogue |
Educational Philosophy and Theory |
Conceptual |
Europe |
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2012 |
Fox, J. |
The last bastion of secularism? Government religion policy in Western democracies, 1990 to 2008 |
Journal of Contemporary European Studies |
Policy |
Europe |
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2012 |
Dietz, G. and Mateos Cortés, L.S. |
The need for comparison in intercultural education |
Intercultural Education |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2012 |
Reid, C. and Sriprakash, A. |
The possibility of cosmopolitan learning: Reflecting on future directions for diversity teacher education in Australia |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education |
Conceptual |
Asia Pacific |
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2012 |
Vidmar-Horvat, K. |
The predicament of intercultural dialogue: Reconsidering the politics of culture and identity in the EU |
Cultural Sociology |
Conceptual |
Europe |
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2012 |
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Turbans, hijabs and other differences: 'integration from below' and Irish interculturalism |
European Journal of Cultural Studies |
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Europe |
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Frawley, J. and Fasoli, L. |
Working together: Intercultural leadership capabilities for both-ways education |
School Leadership and Management |
Conceptual |
Asia Pacific |
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2012 |
Cornelio, J. and Salera, T.A. |
Youth in interfaith dialogue: Intercultural understanding and its implications on education in the Philippines |
Innovación Educativa |
Practice |
Asia |
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2011 |
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A cooperative school model to promote intercultural dialogue between citizens-to-be |
Policy Futures in Education |
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Europe |
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A God of Many Understandings? The Gospel and a Theology of Religions |
B&H Academic |
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Non-specific |
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2011 |
Dulabaum, N. L. |
A Pedagogy for Global Understanding--Intercultural Dialogue: From Theory to Practice |
Policy Futures in Education |
Conceptual |
Europe |
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2011 |
Pérez-Aguilera, D.A. and Figueroa-Helland, L.E. |
Beyond Acculturation: Political "Change", Indigenous Knowledges, and Intercultural Higher Education in Mexico |
Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies |
Conceptual |
South America |
http://www.jceps.com/archives/686 |
2011 |
Noble, G. |
Bumping into alterity: Transacting cultural complexities |
Continuum |
Policy |
Asia Pacific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10304312.2011.617878 |
2011 |
Heft, J. |
Catholicism and interreligious dialogue |
Oxford University Press |
Practice |
Non-specific |
https://global.oup.com/academic/product/catholicism-and-interreligious-dialogue-9780199827893?cc=us&lang=en& |
2011 |
Knox, C. |
Cohesion, Sharing, and Integration in Northern Ireland |
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy |
Policy |
Europe |
http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1068/c10206r |
2011 |
Adelman, H. |
Contrasting commissions on interculturalism: The Hijab and the workings of interculturalism in Quebec and France |
Journal of Intercultural Studies |
Policy |
North America |
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2011 |
Halualani, R.T. and Nakayama, T.K. |
Critical Intercultural Communication Studies: At a Crossroads |
The Handbook of Critical Intercultural Communication |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9781444390681.ch1 |
2011 |
Hoskins, B. and Sallah, M. |
Developing intercultural competence in Europe: The challenges |
Language and Intercultural Communication |
Policy |
Europe |
https://nca.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14708477.2011.556739#.Wx9JUZ8zaUk |
2011 |
Hodgson, N. |
Dialogue and its conditions: The construction of European citizenship |
Policy Futures in Education |
Conceptual |
Europe |
http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.2304/pfie.2011.9.1.43 |
2011 |
Keller, J. G. |
Dialogue as Moral Paradigm: Paths toward Intercultural Transformation |
Policy Futures in Education |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.2304/pfie.2011.9.1.29 |
2011 |
Hoover, J. D. |
Dialogue: Our Past, Our Present, Our Future |
Journal of Intercultural Communication Research |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17475759.2011.617771 |
2011 |
Witteborn, S. |
Discursive grouping in a virtual forum: Dialogue, difference, and the "Intercultural" |
Journal of International and Intercultural Communication |
Practice |
Non-specific |
https://nca.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17513057.2011.556827#.Wx9aCp8zaUk |
2011 |
Gobbo, F. |
Ethnographic research in multicultural educational contexts as a contribution to intercultural dialogue |
Policy Futures in Education |
Conceptual |
Europe |
http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.2304/pfie.2011.9.1.35 |
2011 |
Luka, I. |
Fostering intercultural dialogue in tourism studies |
Policy Futures in Education |
Conceptual |
Europe |
http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.2304/pfie.2011.9.1.114 |
2011 |
Lassalle, D. |
French laïcité and British multiculturalism: A convergence in progress? |
Journal of Intercultural Studies |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/07256868.2011.565734 |
2011 |
McGrane, D. |
From Liberal Multiculturalism to Civic Republicanism: An Historical Perspective on Multiculturalism Policy in Manitoba and Saskatchewan |
Canadian Ethnic Studies |
Conceptual |
North America |
https://muse.jhu.edu/article/496190/summary |
2011 |
Gropas, R. and Triandafyllidou, A. |
Greek education policy and the challenge of migration: An 'intercultural' view of assimilation |
Race Ethnicity and Education |
Policy |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13613324.2010.543394 |
2011 |
Dietz, G. and Cortés, L.M. |
Indigenising or "Interculturalising" Universities in Mexico?: Towards an Ethnography of Diversity Discourses and Practices inside the "Universidad Veracruzana Intercultural" |
Learning and Teaching: The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences |
Conceptual |
South America |
https://www.uv.mx/iie/files/2013/01/Articulo-LATISS.pdf |
2011 |
Igbino, J. |
Intercultural Dialogue: Cultural Dialogues of Equals or Cultural Dialogues of Unequals? |
Policy Futures in Education |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.2304/pfie.2011.9.1.57 |
2011 |
Markou, G. |
Intercultural Education: A Vehicle for the Ethnicization of Educational Policy in Greece? |
Hellenic Studies/Etudes Helleniques |
Conceptual |
Europe |
http://connection.ebscohost.com/c/articles/67711029/intercultural-education-vehicle-ethnicization-educational-policy-greece |
2011 |
Berry, J. W. |
Intercultural Relations in Plural Societies: Research Derived from Canadian Multiculturalism Policy |
Canadian Ethnic Studies |
Conceptual |
North America |
https://muse.jhu.edu/article/504456/summary |
2011 |
Arthur, J. |
Intercultural versus interreligious dialogue in a Pluralist Europe |
Policy Futures in Education |
Conceptual |
Europe |
http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.2304/pfie.2011.9.1.74 |
2011 |
Neufeldt, R. |
Interfaith dialogue: Assessing theories of change |
Peace and Change |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
http://s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/34214767/Interfaith_Dialogue-_assesment_from_theories_of_change.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJ56TQJRTWSMTNPEA&Expires=1474607616&Signature=R8f6N1HSbjYU5a%2FmyFwW6aIGJYQ%3D&response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3DInterfaith_Dialogue_Assessing_Theories_o.pdf |
2011 |
Cheetham, D. |
Interreligious hermeneutics in pluralistic Europe: between texts and people |
Rodopi |
Conceptual |
Europe |
http://www.brill.com/products/book/interreligious-hermeneutics-pluralistic-europe |
2011 |
Hager, T., Saba, T. and Shay, N. |
Jewish Arab Activism through Dialogical Encounters: Changing an Israeli Campus |
Journal of Peace Education |
Conceptual |
Middle East |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17400201.2011.589255 |
2011 |
Mansouri, F. and Pietsch, J. |
Local governance and the challenge of religious pluralism in liberal democracies: An Australian perspective |
Journal of Intercultural Studies |
Policy |
Asia Pacific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07256868.2011.565738 |
2011 |
Izquierdo, A.I. |
Los desafíos del diálogo intercultural |
Contextualizaciones Latinoamericanas |
Practice |
Non-specific |
http://www.revistascientificas.udg.mx/index.php/CL/article/viewFile/2855/2592 |
2011 |
Collins, F.L. and Friesen, W. |
Making the Most of Diversity? The Intercultural City Project and a Rescaled Version of Diversity in Auckland, New Zealand |
Urban Studies |
Include: Policy & Practice |
Asia Pacific |
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2011 |
Zayani, M. |
Media, cultural diversity and globalization: challenges and opportunities |
Journal of cultural diversity |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2011 |
Yalden, M. |
Multiculturalism -- An Anniversary Celebration |
Canadian Ethnic Studies |
Conceptual |
North America |
https://muse.jhu.edu/article/496194/pdf |
2011 |
Komel, D. |
Multiculturalism and interculturalism: A phenomenological distinction [Multiculturalità e interculturalità: Una distinzione fenomenologica] |
Teoria |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2011 |
Blad, C. |
Multiculturalism, Interculturalism, and the Changing Definition of National Culture |
Neoliberalism and National Culture: State-Building and Legitimacy in Canada and Quebec |
Policy |
North America |
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2011 |
Corte-Real, M. d. S. J. |
Music and Intercultural Dialogue Rehearsing Life Performance at School |
Intercultural Education |
Practice |
Non-specific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14675986.2011.617424 |
2011 |
Ganesh, S. and Holmes, P. |
Positioning intercultural dialogue -theories, pragmatics, and an agenda |
Journal of International and Intercultural Communication |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://nca.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17513057.2011.557482 |
2011 |
Kalu, H. |
Principles and Practicalities of Interfaith Relationships in Nigeria |
iUniverse |
Practice |
Africa |
2011 |
Baraldi, C. R., E. |
Promotion of participation and mediation in multicultural classrooms |
Irish Educational Studies |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03323315.2011.569083 |
2011 |
Gobbo, F. |
Racism, 'race' and ethnographic research in multicultural Italy |
Ethnography and Education |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17457823.2011.553077 |
2011 |
Habti, D. |
Reason and Revelation for an Averroist Pursuit of Convivencia and Intercultural Dialogue |
Policy Futures in Education |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Driss_Habti/publication/205109763_Reason_and_Revelation_for_an_Averroist_Pursuit_of_Convivencia_and_Intercultural_Dialogue/links/554342f20cf23ff71683855e.pdf |
2011 |
Meijer, W. |
Religious education, citizenship education, liberal education |
Moral Education and Development A Lifetime Commitment |
Practice |
Europe |
https://www.sensepublishers.com/media/667-moral-education-and-development.pdf |
2011 |
Restrepo, P. |
Some Epistemic and Methodological Challenges within an Intercultural Experience |
Journal of Historical Sociology |
Conceptual |
South America |
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1467-6443.2011.01388.x |
2011 |
Beversluis, J. |
Sourcebook of the world's religions: An interfaith guide to religion and spirituality |
New World Library |
Practice |
Non-specific |
http://www.newworldlibrary.com/BooksProducts/ProductDetails/tabid/64/SKU/11213/Default.aspx#.WAmBnHr3Z8E |
2011 |
Richie, T. |
Speaking by the Spirit: A Pentecostal Model for Interreligious Dialogue |
Emeth Press |
Practice |
Non-specific |
http://www.emethpress.com/9781609470142.htm |
2011 |
Mincu, M. E. |
Tensions in recognition politics in europe: A reading of Italian interculturalism(s) as ideology |
Journal of Social Research and Policy |
Conceptual |
Europe |
http://www.jsrp.ro/content/JSRP-Nr3_MINCU |
2011 |
Zembylas, M. and Bozalek, V. |
The council of Europe's White Paper on intercultural dialogue: An analysis using the ethic of care |
Policy Futures in Education |
Conceptual |
Europe |
http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.2304/pfie.2011.9.1.13 |
2011 |
Zembylas, M. B., V. |
The council of Europe's White Paper on intercultural dialogue: An analysis using the ethic of care |
Policy Futures in Education |
Policy |
Europe |
http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.2304/pfie.2011.9.1.13 |
2011 |
Gagnon, A.-G. |
The New Vivre-Ensemble and Interculturalism |
Social Alternatives |
Conceptual |
North America |
https://search.informit.com.au/documentSummary;dn=201112774;res=IELAPA |
2011 |
Murphy, P. |
The paradox of dialogue |
Policy Futures in Education |
Conceptual |
Europe |
http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.2304/pfie.2011.9.1.22 |
2011 |
McDonald, P.D. |
Thinking Interculturally: Amartya Sen's Lovers Revisited |
Interventions |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2011 |
Maclennan, J. |
To build a beautiful dialogue: Capoeira as contradiction |
Journal of International and Intercultural Communication |
Conceptual |
South America |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17513057.2011.556828 |
2011 |
Barbieri Masini, E. |
Towards multicultural societies: The European experience |
Current Sociology |
Conceptual |
Europe |
http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0011392110391158 |
2011 |
Woodin, J., Lundgren, U. and Castro, P. |
Tracking the Traces of Intercultural Dialogue in Internationalization Policies of Three EU Universities: Towards a Framework |
European Journal of Higher Education |
Conceptual |
Europe |
http://www.tandfonline.com/db/era/journal-db-entry/e510571 |
2011 |
Cisneros, A. H. |
Understanding through appropriation in interreligious dialogue on ethics |
Journal of Religious Ethics |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1467-9795.2011.00475.x |
2011 |
Mincu, M.E., Allasia, M. and Pia, F. |
Uneven equity and Italian interculturalism(s) |
Policy Futures in Education |
Conceptual |
Europe |
http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.2304/pfie.2011.9.1.88 |
2011 |
Hajisoteriou, C. A., P.; Costi, A. and Hadjiaggeli, M. |
Urging inclusion for interculturalism: fostering excellence in a Cypriot primary school |
Intercultural Education |
Practice |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14675986.2011.643140 |
2011 |
Erickson, B. |
Utopian virtues: Muslim neighbors, ritual sociality, and the politics of convivencia |
American Ethnologist |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://anthrosource.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1548-1425.2010.01296.x |
2011 |
Tracy, D. |
Western Hermeneutics and Interreligious Dialogue |
Cascade Books |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://voices.uchicago.edu/theology/files/2010/04/Tracy-David-Western-Hermeneutics-and-Inter-Religious-Dialogue.pdf |
2011 |
Jiang, X. |
Why Interculturalisation? A neo-Marxist approach to accommodate cultural diversity in higher education |
Educational Philosophy and Theory |
Conceptual |
Asia Pacific |
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1469-5812.2009.00556.x |
2010 |
Ottosson, A. |
Aboriginal music and passion: Interculturality and difference in Australian desert towns |
Ethnos |
Conceptual |
Asia Pacific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00141844.2010.503899 |
2010 |
Lalander, R. |
Between Interculturalism and Ethnocentrism: Local Government and the Indigenous Movement in Otavalo-Ecuador |
Bulletin of Latin American Research |
Conceptual |
South America |
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1470-9856.2010.00414.x |
2010 |
Steinkerchner, S. |
Beyond Agreement: Interreligious Dialogue amid Persistent Differences |
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers |
Practice |
Non-specific |
https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781442206427/Beyond-Agreement-Interreligious-Dialogue-amid-Persistent-Differences |
2010 |
Rodríguez-García, D. |
Beyond assimilation and multiculturalism: A critical review of the debate on managing diversity |
Journal of International Migration and Integration |
Conceptual |
Europe; North America |
https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-77954457334&partnerID=40&md5=be489ee29aa624f740871924b2b7de7c |
2010 |
Omengele, T. A. |
Beyond factual knowledge and symbolic competence: interculturality as transcultural intersubjectivity |
Cross-Cultural Studies |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://journal.kci.go.kr/ccs/archive/articleView?artiId=ART001473565 |
2010 |
Clooney, F. |
Comparative Theology. Deep Learning Across Religious Borders |
Wiley Blackwell |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.wiley.com/en-au/Comparative+Theology%3A+Deep+Learning+Across+Religious+Borders-p-9781405179737 |
2010 |
Hedges, P. |
Controversies in interreligious dialogue and the theology of religions |
Hymns Ancient and Modern Ltd |
Practice |
Non-specific |
https://scmpress.hymnsam.co.uk/books/9780334042112/controversies-in-interreligious-dialogue-and-the-theology-of-religions |
2010 |
Bryan, A. |
Corporate multiculturalism, diversity management, and positive interculturalism in Irish schools and society |
Irish Educational Studies |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03323315.2010.498566 |
2010 |
Zembylas, M. |
Critical discourse analysis of multiculturalism and intercultural education policies in the Republic of Cyprus |
Cyprus Review |
Conceptual |
Europe |
http://cyprusreview.org/index.php/cr/article/view/181 |
2010 |
Dimitrovova, B. |
Cultural Bordering and Re-Bordering in the EU's Neighbourhood: Members, Strangers or Neighbours? |
Journal of Contemporary European Studies |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14782804.2010.535702 |
2010 |
Holliday, A. |
Cultural descriptions as political cultural acts: An exploration |
Language and Intercultural Communication |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/14708470903348572 |
2010 |
Jaurena, I. G. |
Cultural diversity in compulsory education: An overview of the context of Madrid (Spain) |
Intercultural Education |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/IUyX6m7R6RvAU4Z4Cxh6/full |
2010 |
Ron, Y., Maoz, I. and Bekerman, Z. |
Dialogue and ideology: The effect of continuous involvement in Jewish-Arab dialogue encounters on the ideological perspectives of Israeli-Jews |
International Journal of Intercultural Relations |
Practice |
Middle East |
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0147176710000726 |
2010 |
Ghorayshi, P. |
Diversity and interculturalism: Learning from Winnipeg's inner city |
Canadian Journal of Urban Research |
Conceptual |
North America |
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2010 |
Hajisoteriou, C. |
Europeanising intercultural education: Politics and policy making in Cyprus |
Emotion Review |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://doi.org/10.2304/eerj.2010.9.4.471 |
2010 |
Steinbach, M. |
Eux Autres versus Nous Autres: Adolescent Students' Views on the Integration of Newcomers |
Intercultural Education |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14675986.2010.533035 |
2010 |
Llurda, E. and Lasagabaster, D. |
Factors affecting teachers' beliefs about interculturalism |
International Journal of Applied Linguistics |
Practice |
Europe |
https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-78349283964&partnerID=40&md5=67a853764022683e0bbaf5d99d86619d |
2010 |
Papageorgiou, I. |
For an education that makes the most out of globalization: A critical interculturalist approach |
Current Sociology |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-77954236240&partnerID=40&md5=5ed8bf6906d2f4604f996b6836475b40 |
2010 |
Vázquez-Aguado, O., Fernández-Santiago, M., Fernández-Borrero, M.A. and Vaz-García, P. |
Good Intercultural Practices in Social Services Projects |
Journal of Social Service Research |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01488376.2010.493853 |
2010 |
Radstake, H. and Leeman, Y. |
Guiding discussions in the class about ethnic diversity |
Intercultural Education |
Practice |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14675986.2010.521378 |
2010 |
Hidayati, M. |
Human Finitude and Interreligious Dialogue |
ATF Press |
Conceptual |
Asia |
https://www.amazon.com/Human-Finitude-Interreligious-Dialogue-Hidayati/dp/1921511656 |
2010 |
Valdiviezo, L. A. |
Indigenous worldviews in intercultural education: Teachers' construction of interculturalism in a bilingual Quechua-Spanish program |
Intercultural Education |
Policy |
South America |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14675980903491866 |
2010 |
Heckman, B. and Neiss, R.P. |
https://books.google.com.au/books/about/InterActive_Faith.html?id=611z9k-J7CEC&redir_esc=y |
Skylight Paths Publishing |
Practice |
Non-specific |
https://books.google.com.au/books/about/InterActive_Faith.html?id=611z9k-J7CEC&redir_esc=y |
2010 |
Maniatis, P. |
Intercultural approach of Children's Literature presumptions after implementation of a program in Greek Elementary Schools |
International Journal of Learning |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://cgscholar.com/bookstore/works/intercultural-approach-of-childrens-literature-presumptions-after-implementation-of-a-program-in-greek-elementary-schools?category_id=common-ground-publishing |
2010 |
Flunger, B. and Ziebertz, H.G. |
Intercultural identity - Religion, values, in-group and out-group attitudes |
Journal of Empirical Theology |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/10.1163/157092510x503002 |
2010 |
Pratas, M. H. |
Interculturality and intercultural education in Portugal: Recent developments |
Intercultural Education |
Policy |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14675986.2010.506023 |
2010 |
Engebretson, K., De Souza, M., Durka, G. and Gearon, L. |
International handbook of inter-religious education Vol. 4 |
Springer Science & Business Media |
Practice |
Non-specific |
http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4020-9260-2 |
2010 |
Moyaert, M. |
Interreligious dialogue and the value of openness; taking the vulnerability of religious attachments into account |
The Heythrop Journal |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2010 |
Cornille, C. and Conway, C. |
Interreligious hermeneutics |
Wipf and Stock Publishers |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
http://wipfandstock.com/interreligious-hermeneutics.html |
2010 |
Hua, Z. |
Language socialization and interculturality: Address terms in intergenerational talk in Chinese diasporic families |
Language and Intercultural Communication |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14708477.2014.985302 |
2010 |
Halafoff, A. |
Netpeace and the Cosmopolitan Condition: Multifaith Movements and the Politics of Understanding |
Political Theology |
Conceptual |
Asia Pacific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1558/poth.v11i5.717 |
2010 |
Nakarada, R. |
Political aspects of intercultural dialogue |
The Journal of New Paradigm Research |
Practice |
Non-specific |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02604027.1990.9972141 |
2010 |
Gundara, J. |
Religion, human rights and intercultural education |
Journal of Intercultural Education |
Practice |
Non-specific |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/713665241 |
2010 |
Katcherian, J. |
Softening culture, opening Europe: The European Civil Society Platform for Intercultural Dialogue |
Focaal |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.berghahnjournals.com/view/journals/focaal/2010/56/focaal560102.xml |
2010 |
Simonič, P. |
Statehood and intercultural dialogue: Study of Slovenian transition |
Anthropological Journal of European Cultures |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.berghahnjournals.com/view/journals/ajec/19/1/ajec190110.xml? |
2010 |
Jackson, R. |
Studying Religious Diversity in Public Education: An Interpretive Approach to Religious and Intercultural Understanding |
Journal of Religion and Education |
Practice |
North America |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15507394.2004.10012338 |
2010 |
Delany-Barmann, G. |
Teacher Education Reform and Subaltern Voices: From Politica to Practica in Bolivia |
Journal of Language, Identity, and Education |
Conceptual |
South America |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15348458.2010.486276 |
2010 |
Nyiri, Z. |
The clash of perceptions: Comparison of views among Muslims in Paris, London, and Berlin with those among the general public |
Managing Ethnic Diversity after 9/11: Integration, Security, and Civil Liberties in Transatlantic Perspective |
Practice |
Europe |
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/290742477_The_clash_of_perceptions_Comparison_of_views_among_Muslims_in_Paris_London_and_Berlin_with_those_among_the_general_public |
2010 |
Cobb, J. and McAfee, W. |
The Dialogue comes of age: Christian encounters with other traditions |
Fortress Press |
Practice |
Non-specific |
http://fortresspress.com/product/dialogue-comes-age-christian-encounters-other-traditions |
2010 |
Hrubec, M. |
The Global Struggle for Human Rights: A Dialogue among Cultures |
Perspectives on Global Development & Technology |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2010 |
Wilk-Woś, Z. |
The role of intercultural dialogue in the EU policy |
Journal of Intercultural Management |
Policy |
Europe |
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2010 |
Leone, M. |
The sacred,(in) visibility, and communication: an inter-religious dialogue between Goethe and Hāfez |
slam and Christian–Muslim Relations |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09596410.2010.529664 |
2010 |
Boehle, J. |
The UN system and religious actors in the context of global change |
Cross Currents |
Policy |
Non-specific |
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2010 |
Escárcega Zamarrón, S. |
Decolonization, Interculturalism, and Critical Indigenous Methodologies: Three Contribution |
Diálogo |
Conceptual |
non-specific |
https://via.library.depaul.edu/dialogo/vol13/iss1/24 |
2009 |
Thompson, L. |
A Protestant theology of religious pluralism |
Peter Lang |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.peterlang.com/view/product/11171?rskey=7hxhg6&result=1 |
2009 |
Donati, P. |
Beyond the dilemmas of multiculturalism: Recognition through 'relational reason' |
International Review of Sociology |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/03906700802613947 |
2009 |
Ezegbobelu, E.E. |
Challenges of interreligious dialogue: between the Christian and the Muslim communities in Nigeria |
Peter Lang |
Practice |
Africa |
https://www.peterlang.com/view/product/63841?rskey=N8kZOQ&result=1 |
2009 |
Cornille C. |
Criteria of Discernment in Interreligious Dialogue |
Wipf and Stock Publishers |
Practice |
Non-specific |
http://wipfandstock.com/criteria-of-discernment-in-interreligious-dialogue.html |
2009 |
Zapata, M. A. |
Deliberating across differences: Planning futures in cross-cultural spaces |
Policy & Society |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1449403509000691 |
2009 |
Liddicoat, A. J. |
Evolving ideologies of the intercultural in Australian multicultural and language education policy |
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development |
Conceptual |
Asia Pacific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01434630802369429 |
2009 |
Bieberstein, S., Esser, A. and Gasser, C. |
Feminist Approaches to Interreligious Dialogue - Perspectivas Feministas Acerca del Dialogo Interreligioso - Feministische Zugange Zum Interreligiosen Dialog |
Alibris |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
http://www.alibris.com/Feminist-Approaches-to-Interreligious-Dialogue-Perspectivas-Feministas-Acerca-del-Dialogo-Interreligioso-Feministische-Zugange-Zum-Interreligiosen-Dialog/book/11813599 |
2009 |
Pollmann, A. |
Formal education and intercultural capital: Towards attachment beyond narrow ethno-national boundaries? |
Educational Studies |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03055690902880240 |
2009 |
Karaca, B. |
Governance of or through culture? Cultural policy and the politics of culture in Europe |
Focaal |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.berghahnjournals.com/view/journals/focaal/2009/55/focaal550103.xml |
2009 |
Dallmayr, F. |
Hermeneutics and inter-cultural dialog: Linking theory and practice |
Ethics and Global Politics |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3402/egp.v2i1.1937 |
2009 |
Feng, A. |
Identity, 'acting interculturally' and aims for bilingual education: An example from China |
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development |
Conceptual |
Asia |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01434630802658458 |
2009 |
Javornik, M. K. |
Intercultural counseling as a current issue and what makes a competent intercultural counselor |
Informatologia |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://hrcak.srce.hr/34432 |
2009 |
Hočevar, D.K., Cukut, S. and černič Istenič, M. |
Intercultural Dialogue between Lip Service and Practice |
Dve Domovini-Two Homelands |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/twohomelands/article/view/11069 |
2009 |
Lasonen, J. |
Intercultural education: Promoting sustainability in education and training |
Work, learning and sustainable development |
Practice |
Non-specific |
https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-1-4020-8194-1_14.pdf |
2009 |
Marotta, V. |
Intercultural hermeneutics and the cross-cultural subject |
Journal of Intercultural Studies |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07256860903003575 |
2009 |
Del Valle, S. S. |
Interculturalism, democracy and values education in mexico |
Revista Electronica de Investigacion Educativa |
Conceptual |
South America |
https://redie.uabc.mx/redie/article/download/233/392' |
2009 |
Nair-Venugopal, S. |
Interculturalities: Reframing identities in intercultural communication |
Language and Intercultural Communication |
Conceptual |
Asia |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14708470902807685 |
2009 |
Michaelides, P. E. |
Interfaith dialogue in global perspective and the necessity of youth involvement |
Asia Europe Journal |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10308-009-0240-4 |
2009 |
Rostron, M. |
Liberal arts education in Qatar: Intercultural perspectives |
Intercultural Education |
Practice |
Middle East |
http://www.tandfonline.com/db/era/journal-db-entry/e344931 |
2009 |
Georgiadis, F. |
Methodological and ethical agendas in intercultural educational research involving human subjects: Teachers' perceptions of 'interculturality' in an intercultural primary school in Greece |
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences |
Practice |
Europe |
https://cgscholar.com/bookstore/works/methodological-and-ethical-agendas-in-intercultural-educational-research-involving-human-subjects?category_id=common-ground-publishing |
2009 |
Bolovan, S. P. |
Opportunities of the Intercultural Education in Teaching-Learning History |
Acta Didactica Napocensia |
Conceptual |
Europe |
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2009 |
Abbey, R. |
Plus ÇA change: Charles Taylor on accommodating Quebec's minority cultures |
Thesis Eleven |
Policy |
North America |
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2009 |
Zhong, Z. |
Racial and Religious Hate Speech in Singapore: Reclaiming the Victim's Perspective |
Singapore Law Review |
Practice |
Asia |
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2009 |
Cortes, L. S. M. |
The Discourse of Interculturality and Its Transnational Migration: Towards a Comparative Analysis of Its Appropriation by Academic and Political Actors in the State of Veracruz |
Intercultural Education |
Conceptual |
South America |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/14675980802700706 |
2009 |
Gonzalez Apodaca, E. |
The Ethnic and the Intercultural in Conceptual and Pedagogical Discourses within Higher Education in Oaxaca, Mexico |
Intercultural Education |
Include: Conceptualisation |
South America |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14675980802700755 |
2009 |
Bogdan, L. |
The Intercultural Dimension: An Essential Prerequisite for the Success of the American Export of Democracy |
Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Europaea |
Conceptual |
North America |
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2009 |
Ipgrave, J. |
The language of friendship and identity: Children's communication choices in an interfaith exchange |
British Journal of Religious Education |
Practice |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01416200903112292 |
2009 |
Houston, K. |
The Logic of Structured Dialogue between Religious Associations and the Institutions of the European Union |
Religion, State & Society |
Policy |
Europe |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09637490802694088 |
2009 |
Blad, C. and Couton, P. |
The rise of an intercultural nation: Immigration, diversity and nationhood in Quebec |
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies |
Practice |
North America |
https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-67650094618&partnerID=40&md5=21a8d6570e41f47af9149d68bac8a51c |
2009 |
Blad, C. C., P. |
The rise of an intercultural nation: Immigration, diversity and nationhood in Quebec |
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies |
Conceptual |
North America |
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2009 |
Staniševski, D.M. and Miller, H.T. |
The Role of Government in Managing Intercultural Relations Multicultural Discourse and the Politics of Culture Recognition in Macedonia |
Administration & Society |
Policy |
Europe |
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2009 |
Jokikokko, K. |
The Role of Significant Others in the Intercultural Learning of Teachers |
Journal of Research in International Education |
Conceptual |
Europe |
http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1475240909105202 |
2009 |
Conteh, P.S. |
Traditionalists, Muslims, and Christians in Africa: interreligious encounters and dialogue |
Cambria Press |
Practice |
Africa |
http://www.cambriapress.com/cambriapress.cfm?template=4&bid=292 |
2008 |
Yilmaz, A. |
A Peace and Security Strategy in International Relations: The Dialogue between the West and Islam |
Turkish Yearbook of International Relations |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2008 |
Van Oord, L. |
After culture: Intergroup encounters in education |
Journal of Research in International Education |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1475240908091301 |
2008 |
Ingram, P.O. |
Buddhist-Christian Dialogue in an Age of Science |
Rowman & Littlefield |
Practice |
Non-specific |
https://rowman.com/ISBN/9780742562158/Buddhist-Christian-Dialogue-in-an-Age-of-Science |
2008 |
Rothacher, A. |
Clashes and Dialogues of Civilizations Revisited--The Case of Contemporary East Asia and Europe |
Asia Europe Journal |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10308-007-0144-0 |
2008 |
Bleszynska, K. M. |
Constructing Intercultural Education |
Intercultural Education |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14675980802568335?scroll=top&needAccess=true |
2008 |
Kirova, A. |
Critical and Emerging Discourses in Multicultural Education Literature: A Review |
Canadian Ethnic Studies |
Conceptual |
North America |
https://muse.jhu.edu/article/270816/ |
2008 |
Hellgren, Z. and Hobson, B. |
Cultural dialogues in the good society: The case of honour killings in Sweden |
Ethnicities |
Conceptual |
Europe |
http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1468796808092449 |
2008 |
Salt, J. |
Global Disorder and the Limits of 'Dialogue' |
Third World Quarterly |
Conceptual |
Middle East |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01436590802052599 |
2008 |
Gorski, P. C. |
Good Intentions Are Not Enough: A Decolonizing Intercultural Education |
Intercultural Education |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14675980802568319 |
2008 |
Papamichael, E. |
Greek-Cypriot Teachers' Understandings of Intercultural Education in an Increasingly Diverse Society |
Cyprus Review |
Conceptual |
Europe |
http://cyprusreview.org/index.php/cr/article/view/248 |
2008 |
Elhajji, M. |
Intercultural Communication and New Forms of Citizenship |
Diogenes |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0392192108096834 |
2008 |
Portera, A. |
Intercultural Education in Europe: Epistemological and Semantic Aspects |
Intercultural Education |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14675980802568277 |
2008 |
Gumucio, C. P. |
Interculturality, Conflicts and Religion: Theoretical Perspectives |
Social Compass |
Conceptual |
South America |
http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0037768608093694 |
2008 |
Bruno, A. L. |
Introduction of “Intercultural Education” (multiculturalism) in Italy: theories and practice |
Journal of Korean Language Education |
Conceptual |
Europe |
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2008 |
Martins, I. F. |
Learning to live together: The contribution of intercultural education |
European Journal of Education |
Policy |
Europe |
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2008 |
Friedman, R. |
Mapping Dialogue Between Jewish and Muslim Communities in Europe |
European Judaism: A Journal for the New Europe |
Practice |
Europe |
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2008 |
Thaman, K. H. |
Nurturing Relationships and Honouring Responsibilities: A Pacific Perspective |
International Review of Education |
Policy |
Asia Pacific |
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11159-008-9092-1 |
2008 |
Munir, F.Z. |
Sultan al‐Malik Muhammad al‐Kamil and Saint Francis: interreligious dialogue and the meeting at Damietta |
Journal of Islamic Law and Culture |
Practice |
Non-specific |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15288170802481004 |
2008 |
Moyaert, M. |
The (Un-) translatability of Religions? Ricœurs Linguistic Hospitality as Model for Inter-religious Dialogue |
Exchange |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marianne_Moyaert/publication/233583041_The_Un-translatability_of_Religions_Ricoeurs_Linguistic_Hospitality_as_Model_for_Inter-religious_Dialogue/links/54ca03350cf2002b93ca8754.pdf |
2008 |
Aggestam, L. and Hill, C. |
The challenge of multiculturalism in European foreign policy |
International Affairs |
Policy |
Europe |
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/j.1468-2346.2008.00691.x |
2008 |
Bryan, A. |
The Co-Articulation of National Identity and Interculturalism in the Irish Curriculum: Educating for Democratic Citizenship? |
London Review of Education |
Conceptual |
Europe |
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2008 |
Stoiciu, G. |
The emergence of intercuttural communication as a research field [L'émergence du domaine d'étude de la communication interculturelle] |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2008 |
Cornille C. |
The im-possibility of interreligious dialogue |
Crossroad Publishing Company |
Practice |
Non-specific |
http://www.crossroadpublishing.com/crossroad/title/im-possibility-of-interreligious-dialogue |
2008 |
Titley, G. |
Youth, intercultural learning and cultural politics in Europe: Some current debates |
Youth Studies Ireland |
Practice |
Europe |
http://eprints.maynoothuniversity.ie/4609/1/GT_Youth,_Intercultural_Learning.pdf |
2007 |
Pieterse, A.L. and Collins, N.M. |
A Socialization-Based Values Approach to Embracing Diversity and Confronting Resistance in Intercultural Dialogues |
College Student Affairs Journal |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ899388.pdf |
2007 |
Cruz Arcila, F. |
Broadening minds: Exploring intercultural understanding in adult EFL learners |
Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal |
Practice |
South America |
http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?pid=S0123-46412007000100008&script=sci_arttext&tlng=pt |
2007 |
Hochheimer, J. L. |
Building logos via communication media: Facilitating peace through reconciliation |
Javnost |
Practice |
Non-specific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13183222.2007.11008952 |
2007 |
Molina, F. |
Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Higher Education |
Science Education International |
Conceptual |
Europe |
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2007 |
O'Regan, J.P. and MacDonald, M.N. |
Cultural Relativism and the Discourse of Intercultural Communication: Aporias of Praxis in the Intercultural Public Sphere |
Language and Intercultural Communication |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.2167/laic287.0 |
2007 |
Kiwan, D. |
Developing a mode of inclusive citizenship: 'Institutional multiculturalism' and the citizen—state relationship |
Theory & Research in Education |
Conceptual |
Europe |
http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1477878507077736 |
2007 |
Landres, J.S. and Bolger, R.K. |
Emerging patterns of interreligious conversation: A Christian-Jewish experiment |
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science |
Conceptual |
North America |
http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0002716207301563 |
2007 |
Meier, C. |
Enhancing intercultural understanding using e-learning strategies |
South African Journal of Education |
Practice |
Africa |
http://www.ajol.info/index.php/saje/article/viewFile/25138/4337 |
2007 |
Quaye, S.J. and Baxter Magolda, M.B. |
Enhancing Racial Self-Understanding through Structured Learning and Reflective Experiences |
New Directions for Student Services |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/ss.257 |
2007 |
Magos, K. |
Examples of Best Practice: "All Together We Are the City"--A Workshop Developed by the Muslim Minority Education Project in Greece |
Intercultural Education |
Conceptual |
Europe |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14675980701327288 |
2007 |
Timmerman, C. and Segaert, B. |
How to conquer the barriers to intercultural dialogue: Christianity, Islam and Judaism |
Peter Lang Publisher |
Practice |
Non-specific |
https://www.peterlang.com/view/product/11696?rskey=7h4rox&result=1 |
2007 |
Kim, M.S. and Ebesu Hubbard, A.S. |
Intercultural Communication in the Global Village: How to Understand “The Other” |
Journal of Intercultural Communication Research |
Practice |
Non-specific |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17475750701737165 |
2007 |
Shafiq, M. and Abu-Nimer, M. |
Interfaith dialogue: A guide for Muslims |
Practice |
Non-specific |
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2007 |
Hintersteiner, N. |
Naming and thinking God in Europe today: theology in global dialogue |
Rodopi |
Conceptual |
Europe |
http://www.brill.com/products/book/naming-and-thinking-god-europe-today |
2007 |
Staub, E. |
Preventing Violence and Terrorism and Promoting Positive Relations Between Dutch and Muslim Communities in Amsterdam |
Peace & Conflict |
Conceptual |
Europe |
http://psycnet.apa.org/record/2007-15738-005 |
2007 |
Jackson, R., Miedema, S., Weisse, W. and Willaime, J.P. |
Religion and Education in Europe Developments, Contexts and Debates |
Waxmann Verlag |
Practice |
Europe |
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2007 |
Anthony, F.V., Hermans, C.A. and Sterkens, C. |
Religious practice and religious socialization: Comparative research among Christian, Muslim and Hindu students in Tamilnadu, India |
Journal of Empirical Theology |
Practice |
Asia |
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2007 |
Ageyev, V. |
Russian children in American schools: Towards intercultural dialogue in diverse classrooms and teacher preparation programs |
Teacher Education with an Attitude: Preparing Teachers to Educate Working-Class Students in Their Collective Self-Interest |
Practice |
North America |
http://www.sunypress.edu/p-4403-teacher-education-with-an-attit.aspx |
2007 |
Haraszti, M. |
The 'cartoon' controversy: The need for respect within freedom |
Helsinki Monitor |
Conceptual |
Europe |
http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/10.1163/157181407781486769 |
2007 |
Liddicoat, A. J. |
The Ideology of Interculturality in Japanese Language-in-Education Policy |
Australian Review of Applied Linguistics |
Conceptual |
Asia |
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2007 |
Jackson, R., Satoko, F. |
Towards religious education for peace |
British Journal of Religious Education |
Practice |
Asia |
http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01416200601093521 |
2007 |
Robbins, K. |
Transnational cultural policy and European cosmopolitanism |
Cultural Politics |
Conceptual |
Europe |
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2007 |
Swidler, L., Duran, K. and Firestone, R. |
Trialogue: Jews, Christians, and Muslims in Dialogue |
Twenty-Third Publications |
Practice |
Non-specific |
http://www.twentythirdpublications.com/trjechmuindi2.html |
2006 |
Massoudi, M. |
A System Theory Approach to Interfaith Dialogue |
Intercultural Education |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14675980600971442 |
2006 |
Keely, A. A. |
Beginning Christian–Muslim Dialogue in Western Sydney: Context and Practice |
Islam & Christian-Muslim Relations |
Practice |
Asia Pacific |
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09596410600795100 |
2006 |
Nugent, A. |
Demography, National Myths, and Political Origins: Perceiving Official Multiculturalism in Quebec |
Canadian Ethnic Studies |
Conceptual |
North America |
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2006 |
Mehlhorn, A. |
Difference as a Bridge to Religious Encounter Facing Interfaith Dialogue through Gender Studies |
Difference as a Bridge to Religious Encounter. Facing Interfaith Dialogue through Gender Studies |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
http://poj.peeters-leuven.be/content.php?url=issue&journal_code=ESWTR&issue=0&vol=14 |
2006 |
Healy, P. |
Human rights and intercultural relations |
Philosophy & Social Criticism |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0191453706064023 |
2006 |
Toh, S.-H. |
Integrating Education for Sustainable Development & Education for International Understanding: Conceptual issues and pedagogical principles for Teacher Education to address sustainability |
Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding |
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2006 |
Evanoff, R. |
Integration in intercultural ethics |
International Journal of Intercultural Relations |
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2006 |
Halsall, A. and Roebben, B. |
Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogue through Education |
Journal of Religious Education |
Practice |
Europe |
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2006 |
Coulby, D. |
Intercultural Education: Theory and Practice |
Intercultural Education |
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Non-specific |
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2006 |
Abdallah-Pretceille, M. |
Interculturalism as a Paradigm for Thinking about Diversity |
Intercultural Education |
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Non-specific |
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2006 |
Valdiviezo, L. A. |
Interculturality for Afro-Peruvians: Towards a racially inclusive education in Peru |
International Education Journal |
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South America |
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2006 |
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Multi/intercultural education in Australia and the Netherlands |
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Asia Pacific; Europe |
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2006 |
Baraldi, C. |
New Forms of Intercultural Communication in a Globalized World |
International Communication Gazette |
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Europe |
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2006 |
Holmes, P. |
Problematising Intercultural Communication Competence in the Pluricultural Classroom: Chinese Students in a New Zealand University |
Language and Intercultural Communication |
Conceptual |
Asia Pacific |
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2006 |
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Religious contributions to peacemaking |
United States Institute of Peace |
Policy |
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2006 |
Jiang, X. |
Towards Intercultural Communication: From Micro to Macro Perspectives |
Intercultural Education |
Conceptual |
Asia Pacific |
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2005 |
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Culture for Language Learning in Australian Language-in-Education Policy |
Australian Review of Applied Linguistics |
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Asia Pacific |
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2005 |
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Identity, culture and cosmopolitan futures |
Higher Education Policy |
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2005 |
Poole, M. |
Intercultural Dialogue in Action within the University Context: A Case Study |
Higher Education Policy |
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Asia Pacific |
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2005 |
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Interculturalisation for New Zealand Universities in a Global Context |
Policy Futures in Education |
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Asia Pacific |
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2005 |
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Learning to live together: A review of UNESCO's Associated Schools Project Network |
International Review of Education |
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Non-specific |
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2005 |
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Reflections on cultural diversity |
Diogenes |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2005 |
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Reflections on interculturality in relation to education and work |
Higher Education Policy |
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Non-specific |
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2005 |
Uitermark, J., Rossi, U. and Van Houtum, H. |
Reinventing multiculturalism: Urban citizenship and the negotiation of ethnic diversity in Amsterdam |
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research |
Policy |
Europe |
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2005 |
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Security through intercultural dialogue? Implications of the securitization of Euro-Mediterranean dialogue between cultures |
Mediterranean Politics |
Conceptual |
Europe |
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2005 |
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Setting the (cultural) agenda: Concepts, communities and representation in Euro-Mediterranean relations |
Mediterranean Politics |
Conceptual |
Europe |
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2005 |
Carignan, N., Pourdavood, R.G., King, L.C. and Feza, N. |
Social Representations Of Diversity: Multi/Intercultural Education in a South African Urban School |
Intercultural Education |
Conceptual |
Africa |
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2005 |
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The concept of God in global dialogue |
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2005 |
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Tolerance |
European Political Science |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2004 |
Pandit, K. and Alderman, D. |
Border crossings in the classroom: The international student interview as a strategy for promoting intercultural understanding |
Journal of Geography |
Practice |
North America |
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2004 |
Raj, S.J. |
Dialogue 'On The Ground': The Complicated Identities and the Complex Negotiations of Catholics and Hindus in South India |
Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies |
Practice |
Asia |
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2004 |
Jackson, R. |
Intercultural Education and Recent European Pedagogies of Religious Education |
Intercultural Education |
Conceptual |
Europe |
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2004 |
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Muslims in India since 1947: Islamic perspectives on inter-faith relations |
Routledge |
Practice |
Asia |
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2004 |
Elbaz-Luwisch, F. and Kalekin-Fishman, D. |
Professional Development in Israel: Fostering Multicultural Dialogue among Jewish and Arab Israeli Teachers |
Journal of In-service Education |
Conceptual |
Middle East |
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2004 |
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Religion and peace in Sudan: inter-religious dialogue and peaceful co-existence |
Ahfad Journal |
Practice |
Africa |
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2004 |
Noh, M. H. |
The EU Inter-Cultural Education and Training Programmes for Enhancing of European Awareness towards European Citizenship: Centered on ERASMUS, LINGUA, PETRA, COMENIUS |
International Area Studies Review |
Practice |
Europe |
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2004 |
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Universalist, relativist, and constructivist approaches to intercultural ethics |
International Journal of Intercultural Relations |
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2004 |
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Whose democracy? Which rights?: A confucian critique of modern western liberalism |
Confucian Ethics: A Comparative Study of Self, Autonomy, and Community |
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2003 |
Ghee, L.T. |
Asian Interfaith Dialogue |
World Bank Publication |
Practice |
Asia |
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2003 |
Lin, Y. and Rancer, A.S. |
Ethnocentrism, intercultural communication apprehension, intercultural willingness‐to‐communicate, and intentions to participate in an intercultural dialogue program: Testing a proposed model |
Communication Research Reports |
Practice |
Non-specific |
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2003 |
Pattnaik, J. |
Learning about the "Other": Building a Case for Intercultural Understanding among Minority Children |
Childhood Education |
Practice |
Non-specific |
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2003 |
Flower, L. |
Talking across difference: Intercultural rhetoric and the search for situated knowledge |
College Composition and Communication |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2003 |
Monceri, F. |
The Transculturing Self: A Philosophical Approach |
Language and Intercultural Communication |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2003 |
Baumeister, A. |
Ways of belonging: Ethnonational minorities and models of 'differentiated citizenship' |
Ethnicities |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2002 |
Ellis, D.G. and Maoz, I. |
Cross-cultural argument interactions between Israeli-Jews and Palestinians |
Journal of Applied Communication Research |
Practice |
Middle East |
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2002 |
Liao, C.C. |
EFL for intercultural understanding: Question-answer adjacency pairs in emailing versus face-to-face conversation. Experimental studies on Taiwanese students |
The Journal of Language and Linguistics |
Practice |
Asia |
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2002 |
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Ethnicity and the Multicultural City: Living with Diversity |
Environment and Planning A |
Conceptual |
Europe |
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2002 |
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Islamic mission and inter-religious dialogue in a minority context: The Jama'at-i-Islami of India. |
Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations |
Practice |
Asia |
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2002 |
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Narrative Argumentation: Arguing with Natives |
Constellations: An International Journal of Critical & Democratic Theory |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2001 |
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Bakhtinian Perspectives for the Study of Intercultural Communication |
Journal of Intercultural Studies |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2001 |
Abu-Nimer, M. |
Conflict resolution, culture, and religion: Toward a training model of interreligious peacebuilding |
Journal of Peace Research |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2001 |
Mollov, B. and Lavie, C. |
Culture, dialogue, and perception change in the israeli-palestinian conflict |
International Journal of Conflict Management |
Practice |
Middle East |
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2001 |
Saunders, H. H. |
The virtue of sustained dialogue among civilizations |
International Journal on World Peace |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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2001 |
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Towards global understanding: The transformative role of peace education |
Current issues in comparative education |
Practice |
Non-specific |
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2001 |
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Transculturality: The changing form of cultures today |
Filozofski Vestnik |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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1999 |
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The international basis for intercultural education including anti-racist and human rights education. International association for intercultural education |
International bureau of education (BIE) |
Practice |
Non-specific |
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1998 |
Al-Faruqi, I.R. |
Islam and other faiths |
Practice |
Non-specific |
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1998 |
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Religious taxonomy, academia, and interreligious dialogue |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
Conceptual |
Non-specific |
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1995 |
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The Challenge of Pluralism and the Middle Way of Islam |
Practice |
Non-specific |
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1992 |
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Through Each Other's Eyes: A Shin Buddhist-Catholic Dialogue |
The Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies |
Practice |
Non-specific |
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1990 |
Kandil, F. |
Inter‐cultural learning and inter‐religious dialogue: Problems in the way of understanding between Muslims and Christians |
Journal of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations |
Practice |
Non-specific |
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1986 |
Hassan, R. |
The basis for a Hindu-Muslim dialogue and steps in that direction from a Muslim perspective |
Religions, Liberty and Human Rights in Nations and in Religions |
Practice |
Non-specific |
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1978 |
Siegman, H. |
A Decade of Catholic-Jewish Relations: A Reassess-ment |
Journal of Ecumenical Studies |
Practice |
Non-specific |
https://www.jstor.org/stable/25154791 |