Professor Fethi Mansouri was an invited guest speaker at the ‘Calling out Casual Racism’ event held on Thursday 12 September.
Hosted by the Race Discrimination Commissioner Mr Chin Tan from the Australian Human Rights Commission, the event series is part of the Sharing the Stories of Australian Muslims project, and brings together prominent academics speakers from the Australian Muslim community, or with expertise on issues affecting the community, to talk about topics of national importance.
This project will be the first time the national race-hate and Islamophobia narrative is being told from the point of view of those on the receiving end. The speaker series, consultations and online survey are an opportunity to ensure that the voices of Australian Muslims are properly heard in national discussions about community building and cohesion, as well as Islamophobia, racism and related intolerances in Australia.
Professor Mansouri was joined by Emeritus Professor, Riaz Hassan from Flinders University.