Professor Dimitri Spivak, UNESCO Chair on Comparative Studies of Spiritual Traditions, their Specific Cultures and Interreligious Dialogue provides a short summary of the international scientific web conference, held on 29 May 2020 and jointly organised by Mirzo Ulugbek National University of Uzbekistan, Centre of Social Studies of Azerbaidjan, State University of Daghestan, Al Farabi National University of Kazakhstan, Manas Kirghiz-Turk University, National University of Tadjikistan, and Philosophic Society of Uzbekistan.
The Conference was entitled: Contemporary Paradigmatic Problems of Education at the Eurasian Region.
Head of the North Caucasus affiliation of our Chair, Professor Gulchohra Seidova, gave an invited talk, entitled: Development of Education at Eurasian Region Basing upon Values of National Cultures. Professor of our Chair, Mustafa Bilalov, gave another invited plenary talk, dedicated to Eurasian Standards of Present-Day Educational Paradigm.
The Conference arose considerable interest by educators and academia of the post-Soviet countries belonging to the Eurasian region. Problems of intercultural dialogue were most intently discussed.