“To plant ideas in favor of a better, more just and peaceful world…
It is not with weapons that the problems of the contemporary world will be solved. It is the international public opinion that can favor and promote a change in the present course of global events that endanger the very human existence. All efforts in this regard will always be insufficient.”

Professor Jorge Enrique González, UNESCO Chair in Intercultural Dialogue at the National University of Colombia, was invited to the meeting of UNESCO Chairs and José Martí Chairs, held as part of the 4th International Conference “For World Balance” in Havana, Cuba from January 28-31.
The Conference, dedicated to honouring the ideals of Cuban national hero José Martí who died in 1895 fighting for independence from colonial Spain, was organized by the José Martí Project of International Solidarity and sponsored by UNESCO.

During his speech, Professor Gonzalez presented the general guidelines of the UNESCO Chair in Intercultural Dialogue at the National University of Colombia and shared its most recent activities and results. Professor Gonzalez also pointed out the necessity in conducting dialogue between cultures from the perspective of the reconciliation of universal values with distinctive characteristics of each cultural community.
Close to 700 attendees from over 65 countries came together to ponder how best to address the struggle for the construction of a better, balanced, sustainable, and fairer world where peace may reign.