Dr Antoine Messarra, Professor at Saint Joseph University and UNESCO Chair in Comparative Religious Studies, Mediation and Dialogue (Lebanon) has published a new book titled “La culture citoyenne dans une société multicommunautaire: Le Liban en perspective comparée”.
In his latest book, Professor Messarra states that the most suitable Constitution does not guarantee good governance in the absence of a civic culture transmitted by the various means of socialization. In a multi community society, the study of citizenship in the perspective of the Nation-State and its ideology runs up against dead ends that most often lead to considering these societies as factitious and precarious constructions. Seven components of citizenship education make it possible to take advantage, in comparative perspective, of the riches of pluralism and to circumscribe the perverse effects: public space, collective and shared memory, autonomy, pacts, de-politicization of cleavages, the culture of legality, and prudence in external relations.
Professor Messarra’s thought provoking book is now available for purchase on-line.