UNESCO UniTwin Network for Inter-Religious Dialogue and Intercultural Understanding
Bringing together about 30 UNESCO Chairs across more than 25 countries, the Network for Inter-Religious Dialogue and Intercultural Understanding (IDIU) aims to promote dialogue among different religions, spiritual and humanistic traditions.
Network News
Call to UNITWIN members for Think Pieces on inclusive education
UNESCO is launching a call for think pieces by 15 April 2024 in English, Spanish and French, to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Salamanca Statement.
UNESCO dedicates the International Day of Education 2024 to countering hate speech
This year, UNESCO dedicated the International Day of Education on 24 January to the crucial role education and teachers play in countering hate speech, a phenomenon which has snowballed in recent years with the use of social media, damaging the fabric of our societies.
Watch the UNESCO Chairs Seminar: Fostering Cultural Heritage
The multidimensional challenges affecting the preservation of Africa’s rich and diverse cultural and natural heritage, both tangible and intangible, call for a coordinated response and immediate actions to ensure its safeguarding.