As one of its expert group members, Professor Fethi Mansouri recently attended UNESCO’s T4P (Together for Peace) meeting in Bangkok, Thailand.
UNESCO’s T4P is working to build a strong platform for UNESCO’s work on global peace with a view to contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals 4 (Quality Education) and 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions) through a multi-stakeholder regional dialogue on a ‘peaceful and sustainable future in Asia and the Pacific.’ With a focus on peace as one of the ‘5Ps (People, Prosperity, Peace, Partnership, Planet)’ integral to the implementation of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, the T4P expert group met to workshop strategies that can assist UNESCO Member States, CSOs, youth, private sector, UNESCO Offices in the region, in their respective initiatives and resources, discuss lessons learned, and identify further collaborative actions focusing on the role of education