This post is provided by Professor Dimitri Spivak, UNESCO Chair in Comparative Studies of Spiritual Traditions, their Specific Cultures and Interreligious Dialogue.
On February 12, 2021, our UNESCO Chair took part in the 15th International Conference ‘Humanity, Economics, Society in Times of Pandemic: Regional, Global, and Federal Aspects’, which was conducted in the city of Stavropol in Southern Russia, under the auspices of Institute for Rapprochement of Nations of Caucasus, Eurasian Club of Scientists, and International Pedagogical Academy.
The conference was combined with International Forum, ‘Peacemaking Potential of Islam in the Development of Interfaith Connections’.
Our fellows, Professor A. Buttaeva, and Dr. G. Seidova, served as members of the Organization Committee of the Conference. They also gave invited talks, entitled “Quality of Islamic Education in Present-Day Daghestan, in the former case, and “Theological Heritage of Northern Caucasus as Factor Counteracting Extremism and Terrorism”, in the latter one.
Dr. M. Stepanov, Academic Secretary of our Chair, gave a talk dedicated to “Dialogue with the Screen: Problems of Digital Communications in Times of Pandemic”.