This post is provided by Alon Goshen-Gottstein, UNESCO Chair in Interfaith Studies and Director of the Elijah Interfaith Institute.

Dear Friends, Shalom

Some of you will surely have already received Elijah’s recent newsletter, with the announcement of the release of Coronaspection, a project of video interviews with 40 religious leaders of all major faiths, reflecting on the spiritual challenges and opportunities of COVID-19. (if you haven’t and would like to see it, see

I’ve spent nearly 3 months working on this project, with a team of supporters. It’s an important testimony to contemporary religion, and even more significantly, a hugely important resource of wisdom and spirituality as religions confront a major contemporary challenge. 

I am writing in order to share the good news with you but also to ask for your help in disseminating the message. If the trailer below moves you or if you find worthwhile resources on the project URL (address) below, then I would be grateful if you could show your appreciation by disseminating these further. Post them to your FB, share by email, find the way to let others know about the project and its message. 

I think you will be deeply appreciative of the trailer clip, available at one of the two links –

Both of these advertise the project located at

This is really all one needs to start exploring the treasures of Coronaspection. 

And one final request, we need media engagement. If you have media contacts you can refer to this project (or to us), we’d be most grateful. 

May God continue to keep us safe and flourishing, as we move together through very trying times
