Schools, Teachers and Basic Education in China: Looking to the Future
The International Commission on the Futures of Education released a report in November 2021, Reimagining our futures together: A new social contract for education (一起重新构想我们的未来:为教育打造新的社会契约, 执行摘要). The UNESCO Chair in Regional Education Development & Lifelong Learning will host a forum on the Report with an audience largely focused on Hong Kong and Southeast Asia. It is now important to raise awareness and promote discussion of the themes contained in the Report within China, building on and extending a previous university initiative that involved senior university managers from around the Pacific.
This event is jointly organised by Professor John Chi-Kin LEE, UNESCO Chair in Regional Education Development and Lifelong Learning at The Education University of Hong Kong and the UNESCO Offices.
Check out the program and register for the fourm at The Education University of Hong Kong.