We are delighted to announce that the Cooperation Programme between UNESCO and the UNITWIN Network on Inter-Religious Dialogue for Intercultural Understanding (IDIU) has been renewed for a further four years, until 1 April 2023.
The UNITWIN Network’s positive report, strong results and its demonstrated capacity to support research, training and networking in an area of UNESCO’s mandate that is growing in significance contributed to the success of our application. Many of the activities undertaken, both by individual Chairs and through collective activities of the Network, have directly supported UNESCO’s priorities in the field of intercultural and religious dialogue.
We take this opportunity to thank each UNESCO Chair within the UNITWIN Network on Inter-Religious Dialogue for Intercultural Understanding for their dedication, commitment and hard work.
We look forward to hearing from you and sharing your upcoming activities, news stories and publications. To send through a news item, kindly email unesco.cdsj@deakin.edu.au