Prof. Arto Kallioniemi, UNESCO Chair on Values, Dialogue and Human Rights, has co-organised an upcoming seminar at the Parliament of the World’s Religions, Kannada, Toronto, November, 2nd, 2018. The title of the seminar is ‘Equipping Schools and Teachers to Provide Interfaith Education’.
About the seminar: What are the best practices in the fields of religions and interfaith education and what is the power of such education in communities? Over the past few years religious education has been a much discussed and debated school subject at the international level. In order to teach the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are necessary to drive dialogue forward, pedagogical tools must be developed and they must be more experimental and functional, including outside classroom activities. This theme was reflected upon by distinguished scholars and interfaith activists from different educational institutes and community work, from Finland, Australia, India, Netherlands Israel, and UK. A special presentation was complement the panel session.